VynxBot [⇄]
# 115
If you have any item offer overpay contact me at - https://steamcommunity.com/id/CoastBalone

This bot is currently serving this user . Please report any problems to them, they are responsible for the trades.

This account is part of the https://bot.tf network, we offer premium Team Fortress 2 trading bots in the cloud which are running 24/7. Bot.tf owns and controls this account.
Jelenleg offline
Automatic TF2 bot service by Vynx - Powered by Bot.tf!
Owner: https://steamcommunity.com/id/CoastBalone

I'm always quickbuying items, unusuals and other misc items. Hit me up!

If you are lazy and wanna purchase items with commands you may do so by using the following:

!buy (amount) Item
!sell (amount) item

!buy 10 Battle-Worn Robot KB-808
!buy Secret Saxton
!sell 1 Mann Co. Supply Crate Key

For full list of items I buy & sell: https://backpack.tf/u/76561198358337981