Judy   California, United States
Haiya! My name is Judy, I hope we can be friends whoever is reading this. I'm someone who just likes to play games and chat with friends. I'm not on steam too often but whenever I am don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with me. The game I mostly play on Steam is Awesomenauts.
yah 24 ott 2023, ore 11:22 
Stopping by again to say hey. Maybe one day you'll see all of these comments I've left on your profile. Hope you're doing good in life, wherever you are Judy.
yah 18 gen 2023, ore 12:28 
It’s been many years at this point, but I hope you’re alive and well Judy wherever you are. I’ll never forget the days we vibed and played some nauts together.
yah 26 feb 2021, ore 14:06 
Hope you’re still alive and doing well Judy
yah 31 gen 2017, ore 14:46 
Judy 30 gen 2017, ore 21:17 
Thanks! Its ok I'm still alive <3
yah 21 gen 2017, ore 1:30 
I love u Judy I hope you're doing well