-Rep smurfing in nc 6s while am
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Team Fortress 2
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3,177 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
263 hrs on record
last played on May 17
132 hrs on record
last played on May 12
✪ ω ✪ 2 hours ago 
-rep smurfing in nc 6s while banging my gf. Wouldn't be cucked again -rep duel cuck and duel penis
edited message btw i rolled her
fem 6 hours ago 
still noob to this day :/
fem 6 hours ago 
fem (Score:20) defeats -Rep smurfing in nc 6s while am (Score:17) in duel to 20
Will1 8 hours ago 
-rep smurfing in nc 6s while being named Duel_Clit
snip 9 hours ago 
-rep smurfing in nc 6s while eating chicken