Yo hohoho, yo hohoho Yo hohoho, yo hohoho
Yo hohoho, yo hohoho Yo hohoho, yo hohoho

Gather up all of the crew, its time to ship out Binks' Brew
Sea wind blows, to where, who knows? The waves will be our guide
O'er across the oceans tide, rays of sunshine far and wide
Birds they sing, of cheerful things, in circles passing by
Bid farewell to weaver's town, say so long to port renowned
Sing a song, it won't be long before we're casting off
Cross the gold and silver seas, a salty spray puts us at ease
Day and night, to our delight, the voyage never ends

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Itchy_F00t Apr 4, 2020 @ 9:04pm 
forks are better