Captivity Hill   Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada
"This tower, patched unevenly with black ivy, arose like a mutilated finger from among the fists of knuckled masonry and pointed blasphemously at heaven. At night the owls made of it an echoing throat; by day it stood voiceless and cast its long shadow". - Mervyn Peake, Titus Groan

“I have lost the faculty of enjoying their destruction, and I am too idle to destroy for nothing.”
― Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
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My Role-play sheet! {Keraunos}
[Character name]: Keraunos

[Race]: Spirit of Humanity, like the Gods, the race of Men varies in size and physical appearance, but are almost consistently amongst the shortest of the races. It seems that size is naturally varied and has been for a long time, as the Ringed Knights are towering figures, while the Pygmy Lords are slightly shorter than modern man. They also have a much more consistent anatomy, as opposed to the Gods. But these are just the spirits of men, Humanity which looks like a black sprite with blank white eyes. Humans are also capable of withstanding the Abyss, provided that they have not become untuned to it, and even find a sort of comfort in it.

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 37 it seems, but this was the age they were the last time they had their original body, they have been stuck as a spirit of Humanity trapped with a sword that can’t be removed for well over 500 years but this hasn’t stopped them from advancing on their knowledge or inching towards a goal for a world locked within darkness.

[Birthplace]: Dying world of Londor, his land is inhabited by corpses and shades of those who led unsavory lives, and Hollows who are known to be incredibly old, full of deceit and dubiously secretive. Most of them try to hide their appearance using certain rings. The people of Londor were taught the art of Lifedrain, the power to absorb humanity through the use of the Dark Soul, by a primordial serpent. Londor sorcerers developed their own dark sorceries, although much simpler than those descended from Vinheim.

[Appearance]: A pilgrim similar to one seen in a place called Londor, they have a massive shell chained onto their back the main thing keeping it on is pad locks and seals. Their cloths are old but resemble a cloak similar to a grim reaper under the cloak they wear armor similar to a Ring City Knight *(you wouldn’t know it)* except without the embered dark sign and a darker shade of gray with animal bones spread across the armor.
Height: Due to the shell on their back they slouch down to about 7’6ft, but when they full stand they range from 7’8ft - 7’10ft
Weight: 245.6lbs alone, Shell adds 27lbs, and the armor adds another 13lbs which equals to 285.6lbs
Eyes: They seem to be a glow of white but normally without they glow they have gray colored eyes with a slight hint of red around the edges, sometimes the eye fills with a darker shade of red and very rarely will they turn yellow.

[Education]: Cartography, Art, Blacksmithing, World History, Fictional History (based around the world of Dark Souls), Deadlights Research (the full research as well being able to study and understand them fully, even having knowledge of almost all of the Deadlights weapons), History of the Worlds Fictional and Nonfictional (example Audolf Hitler and world war 2), Dark Magic (this includes its properties, even knowing almost every detail about the power related to death itself), Behavioral Profiling (the ability to understand the behavior of someone and uncover hidden truths)

[Backstory]: Keraunos was the first man to discover the power left behind by the Grim Reaper itself devoting almost all of their life to studying it and other things related to evil. This almost drove them insane during this time they discovered how they could use the power of the Grim Reaper to bring people back from the dead, but at a major cost to themselves. Overtime they began to work in another world doing research in a dangerous laboratory that held most of the anomalies hidden within children's fairy tales, they made a breakthrough in their research making a human usable version of dark magic powered by the Abyss. However, over time they began shifting into a spirit of Humanity as they worked around the Abyss and the Reaper’s power began ripping away the dark sign over their soul which turned them into a full Spirit of Humanity.

[Personality]: Although Keranunos isn’t naturally evil they don’t have a side bound to good, they hit the fine line of neutral with a combination of Evil and Good actions. They will be likely to save a child but the child has to have some meaning to them, they would kill a man who has done nothing to them but just so long as it saves his family from being consumed by a greater evil.

[Languages]: English (auto), Scriptures of the Abyss (ability to speak deep within the abyss and understand the monsters inside), Reapers Tongue (ability to speak in a similar dark pattern as a reaper most commonly used with its abilities), Runes (user can understand basic runes), Runes of Death (the ability to understand runes of death and how one may have died even being able to read how one was killed).

[Alignment]: Government, normally somewhere they would find employment seeing their wide skill set with investigation and science behind things like dark magic and a background in world history topped with the studying of behavior.

[Abilities]: Vision of Fallen Past, this gives the user a natural ability to see into the past viewing the final minutes of somebody's life before it is ended which could help understand what happened or help find the person who killed them.

[Limits]: Requires sleep sometimes afterwards, also requires some rest after using it as some scenes are more brutal than others, they cannot view past the last 30 minutes of their life as to respect the dead and the secrets they had.
Prevention of Death, this gives the user a natural ability to prevent one's death or revive someone who has already died; this is normally used to retrieve information or save an important person's life.

[Limits]: The person cannot be brought back to life if they meet these circumstances. They have been dead for over 24 hours, they have massive damage to the brain or head area, or their soul has been stolen by another entity.

[Limitations]: Weapons can only be normal weapons summoned by dark. Necromancy only allows the user to summon ghosts or skeletons / Skeleton Wizards and up to 5 at once. Constructs are limited to only being 10-15ft tall and have an obvious black aura. Spells can only travel up to 800meters and have a height of 5’6ft and be around 1’3’ft to 7’4ft long. Resurrection of the player character will take one real life day, and they will be back at starting. Flight can be used in combat, they aren’t silent while they are flying. Light to Darkness conversion is mainly used as a means to strengthen their darkness temporarily but it cannot convert beings/entities of light into pure darkness; this is mainly based around converting light spells into dark. Darkness can be negated by anti-magic / magic negation but only for a few seconds. Light will be more effective to them seeing as they use dark.

[Advantages]: Dark comes with the natural ability to negate Deadlight's Keystones, basically Keystone Negation. Darkness can also be used to revoke one's use of immortality if they aren’t a divine being. Darkness will also be more effective towards beings of light.

Weapon Name: Abyssal Sword

Abilities/Applications: Dark, Necromancy, Light to Dark Conversion

Necromancy Details:

Skeletons: They will summon with old knights armor and a greatsword with a parry shield, they can be easily taken down by slash weapons and magic.

Ghosts: They will not attack other people but instead will go searching for treasure or leads in investigations if needed, even tracking people down, they still have normal ghost properties meaning they can go through walls.

Skeleton Wizards: They will summon with basic entry level magic and are only able to use standard magic casts such as the fireball and the arrow.
Dark Details:

Dark can be used with this weapon to change into other types of weapons such as converting it from a sword into a halberd. Even allows for the weapon sizes to be changed such as dagger all the way up to an Ultra Greatsword.
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Him III May 5, 2022 @ 2:21am 
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