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4.3 hrs on record
its ♥♥♥♥
Posted September 18, 2023.
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18.3 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
The best Resident Evil game since Resident Evil 4.

(DIsclaimer, I'm only at the castle right now, I'll update this review if my opinion changes after that)

As a remake, this game is in kind of a weird place. The original game is so good that while it's "dated," it never needed a remake. The unofficial hd project and the continued improvements by the folks working on re4_tweaks have provided almost all the improvements the game needed. Re4make is a good remake that makes a ton of excellent changes, but ultimately it will never replace the original for two reasons. First and most importantly, the way the game controls is completely different. The tank controls of re4 and its stationary shooting weren't outdated, as the game is designed so well around it, but there was no way capcom was ever going to replicate those controls in 2023. So now Leon can run around freely, and move and shoot (albeit with decreased accuracy). To preserve the difficulty with these controls, enemies are way more fast and aggressive bullet sponges. The gameplay loop of re4make feels great, and it's still the same "shoot head/knee, run in and do a melee attack, back away or kill downed enemy with knife," but while the original's controls made positioning Leon the most challenging part of this loop, re4make switches the bulk of challenge to actually downing enemies. So while re4make's gameplay is very very fun, it's a different experience than the original, not an upgrade. Had re4make somehow preserved the original game's controls, I would certainly have less reason to revisit the original, but ultimately I do appreciate that re4make did something different.

Less serious but more of a downside is the game's tone. The atmosphere is great, but the humor from re4 is almost completely gone. Some people will probably see this as an upgrade. I'll admit that the side characters are undoubtably improved by the relatively more serious story, but the villains suffer, and I sorely miss dumb overconfident action hero Leon. Re4make Leon can be quippy, but seldom in an endearing way (If I have to hear "must have slipped" one more time...). It's not completely joyless, this is still a game where you suplex cultists, but I wish the devs had tried to capture a bit more of the camp of the original.

So overall re4make is an excellent game, and most people will probably prefer it due to the great graphics and more modern controls. Time will tell though whether I end up preferring it to the original or not, but unlike say, re1make, it will never completely replace the original for me, and it shouldn't for anyone else too. Play both games if you like either one!
Posted March 31, 2023. Last edited March 31, 2023.
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56.0 hrs on record (35.8 hrs at review time)
Leon Funny
Posted March 25, 2023.
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58.4 hrs on record (50.4 hrs at review time)
its good
Posted March 2, 2023.
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120.2 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
The most impressive game ever made, made far more easy to actually play.
Posted December 6, 2022.
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6.0 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
no go
button go

edit: ok i changed my mind, this game is buggy as hell and legit unplayable 85% of the time but when it works its amazing. i made a full set of pogo gear which let me jump 4 stories high in one jump, and then i killed a nakkodile and made the "crockercorp voidy crockercorp ape corpse" with its body. this will be an 10/10 game if they fix the bugs that softlock you and continue to add more content.
Posted May 4, 2022. Last edited May 11, 2022.
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146.0 hrs on record (81.7 hrs at review time)
This was so close to being the greatest fromsoft game.

Every soulsborne game since ds1 took steps backwards in world design, culminating in games like ds3 where the entire world was a straight line. The world of ds1 was what made the game appealing to me in the first place, so seeing that fromsoft was making an open world game all those years ago made me very excited. And ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it lived up to expectations. Every area in this game is packed with spectacular, unique scenery and so much to find and discover. When you see a HUGE city in this game, it's not just window dressing like most of Yarnham in bloodborne, you can actually explore every inch and somebody must have sold their soul to make a game with this much love put into its world. Sure, it's not perfect, there are copypasted bosses and some similar dungeons, but it's literally as good as this stuff gets. And the entire thing is completely open. You can skip so much, do things in the dumbest order possible, get genuinely scared because you're in an area you're really not equipped to deal with yet, all that good stuff.

But there are a few problems. Fromsoftware still tries too hard with their bosses. So many of them are just the same, super fast combo, pause to catch you off guard, run away, rinse and repeat. As usual, except for one or two bosses that I think are genuinely very good and unique based on mechanics alone, the most entertaining fights are the "gimmick" ones, that are more interested in creating a memorable experience for the player than becoming something for people to watch streamers rage against. Lots of stuff always wrong with these games is still wrong too, the camera has a panic attack when locked on a big enemy, poise is still not good enough, enemies are too easy to evade.

My biggest gripe however is the endgame. In an open world game, at a certain point you run out of places to explore and then the game is over right? Well Elden Ring doesn't think so, the last thing it does is throw 4 multi-phase bosses at you practically back to back and it's completely exhausting. This part of the game is a huge slog and I ended up cheesing through most of it w my mimic bud just so the game could be over already. This really isn't a git good issue, I've beaten every challenging boss in all the souls games, summonless, with nothing fancier than big sword or club and maybe a shield. If I wanted to spend 30 more hours on these bosses I could do the same here (well except maybe for the final boss, which feels genuinely unfair). This is a pacing issue. Half of these bosses should have been optional, and stacking them back to back at the end of the game completely flies in the face of the freedom of progression that this game offers.

Anyway the game is still a masterpiece, just probably one I'll revisit later rather than sooner for those reasons.

Edit: Well I'm replaying it anyway, which says a lot about the game's strengths lol.
Posted March 15, 2022. Last edited March 29, 2022.
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50.2 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
I wish florida was real
Posted December 2, 2021.
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278.1 hrs on record (272.7 hrs at review time)
Extremely good game but the possibility of getting a run that's disgustingly broken + the overwhelming number of fun items to unlock makes this the ultimate "just one more run" roguelike, so beware if you value your free time.
Posted November 15, 2021.
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549.3 hrs on record (530.9 hrs at review time)
The best multiplayer game ever made but valve unfortunately seems alright with leaving casual mode in a consistently unplayable state, with the large number of bots present in every game. Still fun and playable on community servers that are free from bots (I'm a fan of uncletopia, personally), but man, what a sad state this game is in.

Edit: bot problem seems a lot better now so im switching back to positive, but ill keep this up for when it inevitably goes to hell again
Posted November 11, 2021. Last edited July 20, 2023.
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