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Recent reviews by Succ The Zucc

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31.2 hrs on record (19.2 hrs at review time)
After playing the original on my PS2 to 100% completion of the game this remaster did everything the original needed to do to be better with a few exceptions leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Pros for changes:
- Better lighting in Kelp Forest so you can actually see where you're going for a change
- You can see every map before you get to it. (Ghost Graveyard from the Pineapple)

Negatives for changes:
- When I went to destroy certain things that crunch you'd get from hitting things like the items in SpongeBob's house was absent like a my father.
- Some sound effects with motions left out. (Hitting the horn next to spongebob's bed as an example)
- Shiny Objects were used more. Which is something weird for me to say, you need more of them NOW than you did in the original game.
- The theator felt more empty as you only put in like 6 images of at least alpha stage images. Would have even prefered you added a section of the OG concept art to this as it would have been a kind gesture to the original game.

Aside from all of that the game is how any remaster of a beloved game could have ever been. Even if I feel I am being a little harsh as I am striking even the part you save 40k shiny objects for that has no real purpose to completing the game other than an unlock.

Overall I give the entire experience a 9.5/10 for a remaster, They tried some new things in terms of sound effects or taking them away in this case to a point and it made the game a little emptier instead of adding to the game play which is the biggest fault. I do reccomend it as it really hits you when loading up a PS2 side by side just to see the graphical differences.
Posted June 26, 2020.
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340.0 hrs on record (286.8 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Was better prior to it becoming free. Now it has hackerman problems. If I could give a rating for it. It’s 4.5/5 stars and it has the capability of getting there. Just it needs work.
Posted July 1, 2019.
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2,667.0 hrs on record (804.3 hrs at review time)
Been a Mod on a DarkRP server for a while now. The game never gets old.
Posted April 24, 2019.
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56.2 hrs on record (54.1 hrs at review time)
Fun game with an odd ending given you have to buy the DLC for the right one.
Posted September 9, 2018.
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