Six Shoot3r
Ei tietoja.
Kirjautunut ulos
Frasier 13.11.2019 klo 22.51 
Omg owned lmao
Watson <3 26.1.2018 klo 11.33 
-rep lost first round then abandoned
El Papa 21.8.2017 klo 18.13 
-rep salty ♥♥♥♥♥♥
-rep fanboy name
-rep he is just a bad csgo teammate
-rep says the n word all the time-
-rep was in the alt rigt protest
El Papa 21.8.2017 klo 18.10 
-rep to salty
Apathetic 14.7.2017 klo 21.25 
All jokes aside I love this man
Apathetic 14.7.2017 klo 21.25 
1st time someone talked to much all game and made me want to give up +9999 rep for best story teller kek