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doom 1 best doom numba one doom i go play now
投稿日 2023年11月21日.
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記録時間: 5.7 時間
great game
投稿日 2022年11月22日.
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記録時間: 9.2 時間 (レビュー時に8.9時間)
it's good
投稿日 2020年11月25日.
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記録時間: 1.8 時間 (レビュー時に0.2時間)
Don't Die, Minerva!

It's currently December 15th, 2019, and for some reason I feel like I'm back in 2004. Don't Die, Minerva delivers a nostalgic, yet highly refreshing, and challenging roguelite experience, that will make you laugh, rage, and cry with tears of joy. A neo-oldies-goldy; jacked, revamped, and read for action. Make no mistake: this game will titillate your inner gamer.


Prepare to die! This game is HARD - but in a good way. You had best have good reflexes, because you will be dodging a lot of stuff. You'll encounter many ghosts and monsters - most of which are challenging, but there are some easy ones like the bats. Your primary weapon is your flashlight, which can be upgraded with some interesting effects. I don't want to compare it to dark souls, but it really is just like dark souls. The combat is very challenging, but if you get hit/die, you know it was your fault. So yeah, it's fun, but fair.

There's a lot of loot to collect - most importantly, the gear. Just like every good roguelike/roguelite, everything is a dice roll. You might get some really good gear, and you might get some really bad gear - but that's why we love roguelikes. There's also an upgrade system, which is really neat.

Everything is supa smoove. The game just runs damn flawlessly. Yeah yeah, I know from the graphics (Not dissing the graphics - they great xD), you would expect it to run well, but any game can run bad if it's poorly optimized.

Each area has something new and interesting, which is great. If you like exploring, then this is the game for you. Lots of attention to detail, like breakable objects, etc.


+ Gameplay is fun and satisfying

+ Good attention to detail

+ A unique, stylized art style

+ Music is good

+ Lots of replayiblity


The only annoyance I had with the game is the fact that your flashlight won't always fire in the direction your character is facing. You'll have to shoot, then turn. This game is in early access, so I'm sure this will get fixed


Don't Die Minerva! is a good game, and has earned my recommendation. It's a good game for all ages, thanks to the difficulty levels. Even though it's in early access, it really feels like a complete game, so I can't wait to see the final result. Would I recommend picking it up now? YES YES YES. You should buy it because 1. It's good as is, and 2. These devs are great people with a great produce, and they deserve your support. I'ts a WIN/WIN.
投稿日 2019年12月15日. 最終更新日 2019年12月15日
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記録時間: 8.8 時間

At last; we finally have a new Terminator game - and it's an FPS! Sounds great, but how good is it?


The game starts off fairly slow, but picks up at around an 1 1/2 to 2 hours in. This is the most boring part of the game: you'll mostly be walking around a barren map, looting crafting material, picking locks, and killing the same boring terminators over and over again, of which there aren't many. I think they wanted to slowly introduce the player to new mechanics, enemies, etc - but failed miserably at it. I feel that because of this, a lot of players will quit within 2 hours.

With all that out of the way, let's get to the good part. The rest of the game after those first 1-2 hours are an absolute joy. You'll be introduced to a bunch of new fun weapons, enemies, and missions. The T-800s are absolutely amazing: their look, their behavior, their death animations, all very well done. These are easily the the funnest enemies to kill in the game, apart from one other terminator which I will not mention here because of spoilers.


The story is incredible as well. I really didn't expect there to be much of a story to this game, but damn did they put a lot of thought into this, and it fits in with the first 2 terminators so well. Yeah, I don't want to spoil much about it, but believe me when i say that if you're a fan of the terminator movies, you will get a kick out of this story.


I didn't care much for the characters, but they do make the player feel like he has more purpose, and the dialogue can be interesting at times. What you say to them can affect your relationship with them, as well as affect the outcome of the game, which is really cool,


The weapons are great. You'll start off with normal weapons, and will be introduced to plasma weapons later in the game. Every weapon in the game is fun to use, but damn do they give you too much ammo. Another thing that kind of annoyed me is that some weapons become completely obsolete very quickly. A good example is the UZI and Pistol. You'll pretty much never use these weapons once you acquire the M-16, which is like 10 minutes after you acquire the UZI. I did have some issues with the shotgun, but at least it's a viable weapon, even in later parts of the game for weaker terminators. The issue with this gun is the range; you literally can't hit anything beyond 10 feet, which is just dumb. The biggest issue I had in terms of weapons is the fact that a good chunk of them you won't acquire until the last few missions of the game - and some you won't even acquire until the very last mission of the game. These are also most fun weapons, hands down.


Easily the worst thing about this game is the endless amount of crafting material and trading tokens strewn about the entire map. You use the tokens to trade for more crafting materials, weapons, and ammo at the home base, and the crafting material is, well, obviously for crafting. Now, you definitely don't need to pick any of this stuff up, especially not all of it, but it's still annoying, The crafting is also bad, and that's mostly because you don't even need to do it, but also because there's nothing interesting about it. You can craft lock picks, ammo and some equipment, all of which you can find throughout the game, and is plentiful.


+ Story
+ Characters
+ Weapons
+ Enemies
+ Graphics
+ Sound effects
+ Music


- Voice acting
- Looting
- Crafting
- First 2 hours can be boring at times


Terminator: Resistance is easily the best Terminator game, even with its faults. I would absolutely recommend this game, and it's definitely worth playing, whether you're a Terminator fan or not.
投稿日 2019年11月29日. 最終更新日 2019年12月3日
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記録時間: 12.6 時間 (レビュー時に11.3時間)

All I can say about this game is that it is very good with a ton of potential, but it's currently lacking in content. However, the folks at new blood have never abandoned anything, so you can be confident that they will not only finish this game, but make it something truly remarkable.


- Active ragdoll enemies

- You can kick, dive, dive kick, dive kick off walls, and slide.

- Kill enemies in slowmo

- All weapons are hella fun to use

- Very unique retro style graphics

- Great music


I would definitely recommend picking this up for a couple of reasons. 1. It WILL be finished and 2. Your money will speed of the process and potentially make it an even better game.

I will update this review once the game is out of early access.

投稿日 2019年10月17日.
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記録時間: 0.1 時間
It's a decent platformer that functions well and is definitely worth it for the mere price of $0.99.

+ Challenging

+ Fun (subjective, I know)

+ Controls are good

+ Great soundtrack

- burned the corneas right out of my eyeballs

To the developer:

I'm sorry that we could not get along, but I hope you will change your ways and find success. I didn't mean anything I said - I was just angry, atm.

I do still appreciate the work you have done for me. Thank you.
投稿日 2019年9月22日.
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開発元は 2019年9月24日 15時19分 に返答しました (返答を表示)
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記録時間: 8.2 時間
An ode to the classics

Malevolence is a fantastic first-person adventure game, and throwback to games of the early 2000s. Running on the old acknex 6 engine, it definitely captures the look and nostalgic feel of some of those classics we know and love.


You're a nameless character who awakes in a castle, and must find a way to escape. Yep, that's pretty much it.


The meat of the game is exploring the castle, searching for items. There are only 2 friendly NPCs, and just a few enemies which will pose no challenge to you. For what the game is, this is fine, in my opinion. The castle itself is a joy to explore, and you will come across many interesting thing on your journey, including a clever jump scare, which even surprised me.


The controls are a bit quirky, and pretty much what you would expect of a game from the era that this game is trying to be like. They're very easy to adjust to and should pose no issue to you.


+ The graphics are quite nice; very detailed and old-school
+ Good map design
+ Smooth gameplay
+ Good music which fits the atmosphere and tone of the game


- Using the Steam overlay messes the game up
- Alt-tabbing out of the game gets rid of your ability to turn with your mouse
- Crashed once on me for no reason
- The game is too short


Despite some of flaws Malevolence has, (Mostly due to it's old engine) I still think it's quite fun and will certainly scratch that nostalgic itch.

I definitely would recommend this game, but not at the current asking price.
投稿日 2019年2月20日. 最終更新日 2019年2月20日
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記録時間: 0.1 時間
Much like the first LSDRiver. Number 2 is nearly the same, but better. Again, it's a challenging runner game with trippy visuals. You need to time your boosts right to succeed.

+ Trippy visuals

+ Great fun

+ I like it

- Gets boring after some time
投稿日 2018年10月24日.
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記録時間: 49.1 時間 (レビュー時に0.5時間)
LSDriver is a challenging infinite runner type game with wacky, trippy visuals. Time your boosts right, and you will find success.

+ Trippy

+ Groooovy

+ A lot of fun

- Gets boring after some time.
投稿日 2018年10月24日. 最終更新日 2018年10月24日
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