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4.1 hrs on record
I have nothing but good words to say about this game. It 's refreshing, has soul, makes sense, and each replay has that roguelike love to it. What's more is the game is actually entertaining so this isn't a labor to play. Movement is a bit slow for my tastes but that's alright. Just wanna say i feel like i won the game too early bc I found a blueprint chip for plasma gun on my third run and now i go in murdering everything experiencing now trouble till level 3-5.

anyways, great game.
Posted July 20, 2023.
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A developer has responded on Oct 2, 2023 @ 10:09am (view response)
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409.4 hrs on record (124.4 hrs at review time)
So I love 40k and its fantasy settings, huge tomb king and beastman fan here, and while I've enjoyed most of total war I can't lie to the potential players; Total War has become Totally Casual. There is no depth to it and the AI are beyond dumb despite them not having fog of war. Originally in Rome 2 every faction had fog of war so it made many tactics on your end engaging but equally dangerous. Nowadays the AI know where your army and empire is at all times, meaning if you see an army on the horizion but not doing anything it is because it is waiting for you to move so that it might attack an empty city. That makes defense warfare rare in this game and often unbalanced. The diplomacy system in this game is piss poor and it's nearly laughable trying to coordinate with allies. I imagine this game might be fun with friends but I haven't played with friends. All in all if you love 40k this game will be fun but eventually hollow
Posted May 25, 2023.
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279.3 hrs on record (207.0 hrs at review time)
game is absurdly empty and the story is as bland as Eucharist wafers. Mods do not fix it, as much as bethesda likes to act like it will. Gunplay is alright and there is undeniable fun rampaging through boston watching the various factions fight each other but that leaves you within the first 20 hours. The reason why i have so many hours is because this was a game that I put on. played for like two hours, walked away from my pc, and came back six hours later realizing I left it on.

EDIT: While I still believe this game deserves a thumbs down, I've decided to add an addendum for a particular king of gamer, which is those that love the fallout universe. If you love it then I recommend getting this game, putting it on it highest difficulty with survival mod and downloading a bunch of mods that reinforce survival. This will greatly increase the difficulty of the game and in my opinion make the only good part about this game, the combat, shine even more. Story still ass though, however, you can see bits and pieces of fallout's old story writing in quests like the USS Constitution.
Posted April 27, 2023. Last edited May 5, 2023.
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19.0 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
fun game but dead player base. each match solo queue will only have like 5 actual people and the rest are bots
Posted March 14, 2023.
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20.9 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
so while I like this game, it's a near thing. I won't deny that there is so much potential in this game and the fact one person alone is at the helm is beyond impressive. Whatever happens after this game the success of it alone would see the creator into perfect straits to continue with their success. That said there are still some things that need work asap for this game to shine even further beyond than what it has.

First I'm going to go over what tech and tips you need to know to be good at this game. First and foremost there are weapons that will always overperform over others. 2handers and polearms go crazy, with axes and hammers enjoy holding ctrl because that will make sure you do an overhand strike which ends fights resoundingly quick. if you like a defensive playstyle go shield and spear and rather than holding ctrl hold alt. This will make you jab the spear and it almost always land if you time it right. Secondarily, don't be afraid to play like a rat in the first few runs because this game is a snowball type game. Once you have one good run you will continue to do so. If you get into a pattern of dying early then play slower, and bet bigger. Money will make you a god in this game. Also the most important thing to train early game is whatever your choice weapon is first and stamina second. Once your skill with weapon gets to around 40-50 switch it to stamina first then movement or dashing. Mobility is the second most important thing after dealing damage.

From money I'll talk more about how to ensure good future runs. Don't worry about investing until you get heirloom unlocked and then buy a godly weapon. That way even if you eat ♥♥♥♥ with that weapon you can breeze through every early fight of the next run and be able to soar where before you crawled. Once you have a heirloom in place start dumping your renown into gold and start investing into your next character. The base amount you will want if you already have a god weapon secured is around 2500, that way on your first match you can bet big and immediately start a run with almost 8k. As you level, focus on items that increase how much fame you get because converting that into money will save your current character and future character.

All this said, it does provide a sad reality. Once you figure it out, every run afterwards gets boring. I'm on maybe my thirteenth run and it took me about ten before I got the pattern down. Now every gladiator afterwards becomes a champ with no variance or difficulty which is sad to see in a rouge like game, but expected with it being early access, one-man teams, and the inevitably that all rogue likes eventually run out of ways to create more rng.

Now that I went over how to play the game, and what works over others, we can dismiss the bad reviews that claim the combat sucks or its all a stamina game. Honestly, I don't know how those players played the game, probably just swung until they were exhausted and got mad that their weakened swings wouldn't pierce the armor. Who knows, point is while the game has flaws, stamina generation is not one of them.

Here is where i get to annoying bugs. One, there is a disconnect between how much an item is worth in the shop and how much you have to pay for it. and it's not linked to the rng events that sporadically raise the prices of the items. Two, there is no shot in hell that one vs many will ever work with the combat the way it is. That's not me saying it's bad mind you, but there is no way to win when five guys swarm you and trap you in a corner. Even with keeping your head on a swivel you will lose the stamina game and get brazzer'ed. Don't get brazzer'ed guys, don't ever pick one vs many even with entourage. Secondarily, killing teammates should count towards bets, whether you dismebered them or just straight up killed them as the bet system does not say "kill five enemies" it says "get five kills" or "get two dismemberments".

As a whole the art style is refreshing, the combat enjoyable, and I'm thoroughly impressed with the work of a single person here. Ideally, I would like the few errors to be addressed, more ways to keep a run enjoyable implemented, and to replace one vs many with something a little more doable by the games mechanics. Don't get me wrong i understand its to be a challenge on purpose but there is no feasible way to kill five people at once.

The reason why I say that me liking this game is a near thing is because at first its hard to succeed and thats both frustrating yet engaging as is all learning curves, but the time spent enjoying the game once understood is not the same or longer than the time spent being frustrated, as the game becomes bland once the pattern is established. I have had my last four gladiators become literal gods all because once I got the heirloom it was the event horizon point before I just started beefing up a run that has yet to start.

As it stands I highly recommend this game but compared to other rogue likes it does not hold up much replay value once you get the ball rolling. That said, playing it is so enjoyable and refreshing I encourage everyone to give a try, and give it a tenth try even after your expected early run deaths. Kudos to the creator, you should be immensely proud, but keep in mind there's more work to be done!
Posted February 7, 2023.
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42.0 hrs on record (40.9 hrs at review time)
infinite replayability, but the pc version doesnt explain much if you've never played the mobo, which i have not. great game tho
Posted January 17, 2023.
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1.0 hrs on record
I want to like this game, I really do, especially with all the positive reviews, but the movement in this game is so ass and the punishment for getting hit once is so severe that it makes it almost impossible to enjoy this game. if you take a hundred damage before fighting the first level boss you might as well restart for health is few and far between. if you get hit be prepared to get gangbanged bc with each hit it resets the timer for how long you it will take before you can make a move so forget dashing away. it seems that if you get good items then the run is fun but items are also so rare in appearance that that you won't see much of an affect for you in early levels. I have yet to beat the first boss so maybe this is a skill issue, but I play rougelikes of all kind and this game just reeks of poorly optimized game features that are dismissed because if you can't work with them or at least mitigate how much it works against you then its a skill issue. For players who want a fun roguelike that they can break over time like hades or binding of issac this game is not it. If you want a game thats challenging not through actual game mechanics but challenging because said mechanics were never fully tested then this is the game for you.
Posted December 31, 2022.
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6.1 hrs on record
love warhammer 40k but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ does this game suck. the gameplay loop is awful and combat is literally shoot or slash. there is no variety even with class abilities and this entire game's ai is "lets throw a ton of useless enemies at you so you're forced to melee them back but while we are doing that lets also shoot at you with miniguns half a room away which you could get rid of easily enough if you had the time to take out your gun and not get skull ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by a bunch of leprs wielding a sword. christ I wish i could get my money back on this one so bad
Posted November 30, 2022.
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116.2 hrs on record (28.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I really enjoy this game so far, downloaded it a few days ago and then came down with a fever so I had ample time to binge it in a short amount of time. I came to this game from tarkov so much of my review will be a comparison to the only other game that attempts this genre of shooter. To start I'll go over what needs improvement:

-First and foremost this game needs damage reports, mostly because armor has a nasty habit of turning you into a walking tank or making you as susceptible to death like you are someone with scientific views during the spanish inquisiton, which is to say you'll die and it will be painful. Sometimes armor will save your life and other times it doesn't do anything at all, and with a pretty flimsy anti cheat it's easy to want to punch your screen in the unknowing abyss of, "did I die because I'm ♥♥♥♥ or because this person is a piece of ♥♥♥♥?" One time in particular I had level ten armor and level ten helmet at full health and got one tapped by someone using an uzi, but when my teammate inspected my armor, there was no loss in durability and even on a good day with a level six helmet the uzi is incapable of one tapping, headshots included. So damage reports would be fantastic.

-Armor. I'll bring it up now since I just spoke about it but in a game of gear acquisition, the sporadic and random performance of high ranking gear is just frustrating. What is the point of going after level 10 gear if level 10 gear doesn't make you have that darth vader hallway moment as you board someone's ship? On the flip side, since armor can't be consistently relied upon, this is rat heaven, because you still have a chance. I go in with level six to seven armor more often than not with an automatic pistol and proceed to jostle my genetalia in the cavaties of people's skulls after I loot their well earned gains.

-Increased odds of capital and merchant ships spawning. Seriously, I rarely ever see this rng events and its crazy when you have contracts up for them. Increase their spawn chances by like 5-15% at the least. (on a future note, not something that should be addressed now, but there should be an option for lobbies to run with 8 man teams, since we have the option to drop in with capital ships, there is no way in hell that a four stack could defend their own capital ship.)

-Introduce a less robust version of in game economy. Tarkov went to ♥♥♥♥ the moment people began caring more for the stock market in that game than the actual game itself. Turned players into ultra rats (and I am one of those myself) but it also greatly affected how one played the game. Wanted to use a gun that you just got? well that sucks when the ammo is more expensive than anything you currently own. Since this game does not have an in game market there isn't much risk, however, it would be nice to have a place to buy level 8 rigs and blowtorches. So possibly introduce a highly reduced in game market.

Lets move on to the pros now since that is all I could find wrong with the game in my 30 something hours of playing.

-THIS GAME IS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AMAZING. IT FEELS BETTER THAN TARKOV, THE MAPS ARE AWESOME AND NOT THE SIZE OF AN ACTUAL COUNTRY. Seriously, if you enjoyed tarkov on any level you would love this game.
-Rat runs are actually really enjoyable. Gear hasn't been balanced (at least in my eyes) appropriately yet so you can honestly go in with level six armor, which you can just buy for dirt cheap from traders, and some ♥♥♥♥ automatic gun and go in and come back out with a 100k run. My best run saw me go from 38k in the bank to 155k. I've never dipped below 500k because if I lose some good gear you bet your ass I'm taking a pistol, some armor, and bad intentions into the next match and you'll find me glued to some corner like flies on a hot turd until you unfortunately cross my path. Then I walk away with everything you own and your wife. which is the way of things in this game.
-BOARDING. boarding is the most toxic thing you can do in this game and i love it. I will sit outside the map in a drop pod for like 15 minutes whilst i play a game of magic on my phone and breach and board the first ship i see leave the area and make for extraction. Why run into the map to run into a fellow corner crotch goblin when i can sit in this flimsy lil pod held together via duct tape, spite, and the lingering ghosts of soviet era war crimes and ruin your day? It honestly is such an adrenaline spike to have loot doordashed to your account just by waiting, but there is such a high chance of you getting your ♥♥♥♥ rocked since you have no idea if there is a four stack team in that ship and with the cqc nature of the ship its going to be 1-2 minutes of running, gunning, and maybe the casual abuse of stimulants both in and out of game.

I could go on but as i write this review I am getting lazier and lazier so needlessly to say this game is absolutely worth 30 bucks and is a better play experience than tarkov ever was. But for real, get on those damage reports please and thanks!
Posted October 31, 2022.
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17 people found this review helpful
58.6 hrs on record (56.4 hrs at review time)
How I wish the series would get back to something like this. easily the most influential game of my childhood and still holds up as the perfect balance between rpg and action. great game
Posted October 28, 2022.
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