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7.5 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Classic, but remastered and expanded. That's all i'm gonna say.
Posted April 29.
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11.3 hrs on record
A little janky, collision physics could use some work, voice acting is absolutely terrible, so terrible they must've done this on purpose, but besides that, it's a solid piece of a great game, but you have to approach it as a parody. There's milion of references to other games, movies and other cultural media.

In it's core, TrailOut is a spiritual successor to FlatOut 2/Ultimate Carnage, and it does it reasonably well. Tracks are varied, with lots of environmental destruction and even moving obstracles like trucks, train, tractors, SPECTATORS (yes, you can drive over spectators running over the track, and you're actually punished for driving over them. This ain't Camageddon lol) etc.

Graphic is good, but has that recognisable Unreal Engine 4 look to it. Optimisation is pretty good also for how it looks, and for the fact it run on Unreal, however, when there's lots of environmental destruction going on, framerate dips down HARD.

Soundtrack is amazing. They clearly did not have a large budget for the music, but they found 3 bands that gave them a lot of their tracks. So while variety isn't the strong point, there is a lot of great music in here. If you're a fan of Onlap, yea, like half of their music ended up in this game xD

Now, while soundtrack is great, the sound design of the game is absolutely awful. Crank up that music volume, because listening to these engine sounds brings me back to late 1990's and first Need for Speed games.

Took me 11 hours to finish, i think that's reasonable playtime for the price. It started to get a little stale by the end because of the repeating tracks, but i'm generally a person that finds it hard to finish games out of boredom, so it's pretty good in that regard i guess.

Overall, for a team of 4 people, the game is very impressive, if you're able to accept the jank which might or might not have been done on purpose. Like seriously, these cutscenes are so bad it can't be just lack of skill, they must've done this on purpose.

Big thumb up, i'm waiting for the 3.0 update.
Please support small game developers like this, we need more indie and small studio games of this quality in this genre, and industry overall.
Posted April 22.
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13.7 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
I wasn't really sold on the idea of the OP slide melee kills, but it all started making sense when the game started throwing lots of heavy enemies, while also adding upgrades where slide kills heal you... bundled with groups of fodder enemies to slide through for that..... it all made sense. Begining of the game is just sliding though, leaving a mediocre first impression. The moment you're forced to use different stuff it becomes a 10/10
Posted March 28.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
Now that's a surprise, but a welcome one!
Posted March 10.
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1.9 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
A little rough with the controls, the GPS is absolutely useless, AI is rubberbanding, but overall, seems like pretty good demo to potentially pretty great game in the future! Really hope the dev(s?) take community feedback to heart, because the good definitely outweights the bad here. It just needs some QoL and polishing.
Posted March 1.
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2.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Kupiłem dawno temu w nadziei że wyjdzie z tego coś ciekawego


4 lata po premierze, gra to dalej amatorski ulep. Jest tutaj sporo ciekawych pomysłów, nawet sporo contentu jak na tego pułapu grę, i tutaj właśnie mam wrażenie poszła większość pracy bo jest tego sporo więcej niż gdy grałem w to dawno temu, ale wykonanie... no, nadal jest to ulep poskładany do kupy tak żeby jako tako działał, który wygląda jakby wyszedł 20 lat temu, a chodzący jeszcze gorzej. Nic tutaj nie jest intuicyjne, interfejs wygląda jak placeholder (którym chyba jest), dźwięki samochodów to też placeholder bo nie wierzę żeby tak to w zamyśle autora miało brzmieć... Po prostu nie. Już lepiej zagrać w starego dobrego SLRRa.

Plusik za wsparcie kierownicy przynajmniej.
Posted February 29.
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A developer has responded on Feb 29 @ 10:04pm (view response)
5 people found this review helpful
3.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
It's not terrible, but it's barebones right now. They released the game in pretty much very early alpha state. There's not even a f###### text chat ingame, I don't even care much about lack of scoreboard, but no chat? really?
Posted November 8, 2023.
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8.5 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Music alone is worth the price, and you get pretty nice retro rally game in the package!
Posted November 4, 2023.
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25.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Update 29 moved the game to Unreal Engine 5 and raised the system requirements high enough to make it unplayable on my system while it was quite playable before. Meh.
Posted September 29, 2023.
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264.1 hrs on record (30.9 hrs at review time)
Great game. Would be even greater if it didn't depend on Ubisoft Connect, but when it works it's not that big of a deal. Already had some trouble with cloud saves one day.
Posted September 23, 2023.
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