proffesional hacker
현재 오프라인
VAC 차단 기록 1건 | 정보
게임 차단 기록 1건 | 정보
마지막 차단 이후 2321일 경과
Hall Of Autism
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...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ AUTISM HAS BECOME AN EPIDEMIC
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MAYHEM: "you have multiple vac bans that means you are cheating! heres a video of me not getting stomped by you legit."

dNz.!?:"yae ban cheats idiots=YOU, gg next game ban vac ?"

Zhdyder: "Crashing servers is hacking (real hacking) no matter if its at start or in the end and they should be investigated by police !"

Seris: "vac bans are real :)" Seris: hitting p im reporting your steam account"

^2N-E-1: lol a VAC crying on the comment section that he got kicked from a anti cheater tool!
LOL soooooo new!
l2p and l2p legit or stfu!
VAC ban should be banned from community too!
mainly the same crap every day from one of them!


Boosted: "The PC mod is oversaturated, too much contrast and no shadows. XBOX is more realistic."

DarkWolfGames: " uhh cyber bullying is when you.. uhm actually bullying is when someone is in power meaning theres someone who has more power than you we have equal power right now but you actually have more because you are using aimbot so you're bulliying me"

joel " turn off your vpn and give me your real ip"
"6' 1" 144 to 188 lbs. 189 to 226 lbs. so i am no where near fat :)"

Walter Lamberti: what a basic kid

♥♥♥♥♥♥ on reddit: there are actually 745 genders according to websters dictionary definition of a gender, it to be determined. I can identify as a rainbow, a piece of cactus, or quite simply Bob Marley's left over blunt. Therefore, all of you elitist conservatives whom'st've believed that there exists only 2- are falsely elitist and ignorant and need to stop your erect, erroneous ways of thinking.

NachoFriend 2024년 1월 14일 오후 5시 37분 
There's soo much I wish I could tell you since you've been gone, I'll miss you man.
Chris Gristle 2023년 12월 21일 오전 3시 44분 
Love u buddy
Meen 2022년 1월 8일 오후 5시 03분 
iCurti_ 2021년 10월 30일 오후 5시 23분 
Been 3 years man. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ miss you a ton. Miss the late nights doing stupid ♥♥♥♥ to random twitch streamers and little kids. Love you bro hope you're having fun up there. <3
BIG OLE MACK 2021년 8월 16일 오후 4시 38분 
So that everyone knows. I talked with his mother and had found out thay Payton had accidentally overdosed and thats what lead him to his death.
BIG OLE MACK 2021년 8월 15일 오후 5시 58분 
Rest in peace Willis. I know we havnt talked in a long time but Philis will always remeber you. Also lile wtf did happen to him???