D Stojic
Stojic   Serbia
Our shadows will be walking through Vienna, strolling through the court, frightening lords.
Jogo favorito
u mad bru 6/abr./2019 às 13:17 
Current Squad Leader of the 1st squad,1st platoon. Alpha Company. 4thID

Our shadows will be walking through Vienna, strolling through the court, frightening lords.
Goondaya 22/fev./2018 às 10:39 
What A nerd.
Ron Wazelin 18/jan./2018 às 7:21 
+rep for being the best owner of a server I ever know. :)
Capo Supremo 17/jan./2018 às 10:47 
+rep Inspiring profile bio.
Kros 17/jan./2018 às 10:42 
Senpai +1 rep for bio
EnziMackenzie 25/nov./2017 às 10:38 
+rep best CLS Ive ever had the pleasure to be operated on By :D