Deltarune Lizard
Kiss Martlet, Marry Susie, Lewd Olivia   Seychelles
Your regret is the strongest sword I've ever known.

"The only cure for a careless plan: swiftness, conviction, and recklessness."
ΘΔ Bird/Shark Girl | martlet addict | :SBpanda:
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The profile smells of bird seed, with a tasteful hint of vanilla and orange blossom.
About Me:
Theme: Dragon Valley (FP2)

El Psy Kongroo. Alphys is cool. Play Undertale Yellow.
ΘΔ Bird/Shark Girl
- Do not re-add me or message me asking me why i removed you. We likely never talked/didn't have much in common.
- I no longer accept random friend requests.
- No E-dates, erps, or trades.
- Just because you're better at the game doesn't give you the right to be a c___.
- No politics. I am guilty of this myself; but it's too much trouble. One of us ends up mad at the other; it's bad blood all the way down. If it comes up, you're out.
Old themes:

Remedy - Lidkas Plus
"The only cure for a careless plan...."

A Mother's Love - NyxTheShield
" swift execution, strong conviction and reckless abandon."

DMC5: Voltaic Black Knight

Oct 2021
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Jan 2021
Arashi no Saxaphone 2

"Thrash The World" should go down here somewhere but GSO removed all his uploads.

Quote Wall

"Sharks are just younger and more reckless dragons." -2024

"If gender dysphoria is wanting with all of your heart to be a goth girl, then species dysphoria is when your wings start to ache." -2023

"Trickster > Royal Guard" - 2022

"Sniper/Scout/Spy is the trifecta of deciding you're going to be a toxic ____ today." -2021

"If you play games just to act like an elitist pos, I don't view you as a human being." -2021

"♥♥♥♥ computers; I just want to play games for a half hour and be done with it." -2020
Musings of a terminal internet user.

On PVP games:
They are a waste of time. If you ever get good enough at them to understand them- truly understand them- You will begin to see exactly when you die, what kills you, who's killing you and where they are going to be long before you are actually killed. For a time it will be easier to blame luck or skill, but eventually you will either become skilled enough to rarely lose or reach your maximum potential and plateau, perpetually beneath others yet higher than any average.

On Updates:
When a game updates, players who are the best at the game will realize that they are no longer the best, and consider an update trash, causing a mass exodus while lesser skilled players who do not understand why everyone has left continue to play normally. This can either result in the game being "killed" or the cycle repeating forever because it has hit critical mass.

On Critical Mass:
Games that have hit critical mass will never truly be replaced; as better games will ultimately try to emulate it's success and fizzle out as most of it's player base goes back to what they're used to.

Studies have shown that people who lose too much are more likely to stop playing sooner. And people who win too much are also likely to get bored and stop playing. If your outcomes are inconsistent, the player might be compelled to play more without getting tired of winning or losing so they stay around longer, making them more likely to spend money on it. So in most modern games, you will be paired with level 2s and 3s and pit against a team of level 15s who are overdue for a win because they lost their last match- SBMM pairs you with players most likely to assist you in giving you a win or loss, and your metric of performance fulfills this role for them as well- predetermining the outcome of the game before it starts.

Take screenshots of the scoreboard at the end of 5 games, then look for similarities in all your losses and all your wins. Look for the "types" of players you're matched with. How often is the player in last going 5-11? How often is the player in first going 16-5? How often are the two players in the middle close to each other in score? Can you see a pattern?"

On Life:
The recent "existential horror" genre is fascinating: There is no exit in life, and people who seek one are quickly deemed unwell and rushed into preventative care. But to seek escape from a dream, delusion, or fantasy that does not appear to obey any conventional logic or rationale even after one discovers it is all too real? Suddenly, it is not so sick....and it begs a question the world is unwilling to answer.