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12 people found this review helpful
2.7 hrs on record
This game is about an intern who works in a company where saying "yes" to everything is mandatory. Thanks to a coach the intern will learn to say "no" more and this will change his life.
"Say no more" has a retro colorful 90s graphic similar to playstation 1. The music is nice and funky.
The game is more like a comedy walking simulator, there is no action, you can just say "no" to co-workers and boss requests but you can do in different funny ways.
Once you complete the game there isn't any replaybilty unless you want to complete all achievements, some of them are very time consuming (as Say "No!" 99999 times")
Overall it's a fun short game (about 2 hours) you can play whenever you just want to relax and turn off your brain.
Posted December 3, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
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4.5 hrs on record
This game makes me remember when Bomberman was very popular in arcade rooms or playing when I used to play Dynablaster (Bomberman Eu version) on pc.
Super Bomberman R online is very nice evolution of classic arcade game in battle royale style vs 64 players. You are one vs 64 and you have to move from a level zone to another one without dying and the last one standing player wins They added some new characters from other from Konami games as Silent hill, Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid. Each characters has his own unique abilities.
The game is free to play and in my opinion it doesn't look like pay to win.
With f2p version you can play vs random players and if you want to play with your friends you have to buy the pass. I don't fell the need to buy the pass just because I play casually from time to time.
Super Bomberman R Online is really funny to play and music is very catchy, the gameplay has been renewed but it still keep the old arcade vibe, I suggest to try it, you have nothing to lose because the game is free!
Posted November 26, 2021. Last edited November 22, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
12.3 hrs on record
English review:
Guacamolee is a indie metrovania platform game. The graphic is very pleasant and colorful and it takes inspiration from mexican floklore. I found the gameplay very smooth and it isn't a punitive game as many similar games where you have to make 100% accurate jumps or you have to repeat the same point 1000 times until it leads you to frustration.
In the game there are several save point and custumes so you can change your main character aspect whenever you want. During the game you can unlock new special moves and combo to beat enemies.
Music is very nice if you like the mexican traditional Mariachi style even if sometimes it could be just a bit repetitive. There is even the co-op mode to play with your buddy on same computer or with remote play, but I never tried this mode.

If you like eating burritos with guacamolee and mexican wrestling luchadores this is the game for you!

Italian review:
Guacamalee è un gioco indie di tipo platform metrodvania. La grafica è molto piacevole e colorata e prende ispirazione dal folklore messicano così come la musica. Ho trovato il gioco molto scorrevole e non punitivo a differenza di molti platform attuali dove devi calcolare il salto al millimetro altrimenti ti ritrovi a ripetere lo stesso punto un migliaio di volte fino alla frustrazione. Nel gioco ci sono diversi save points e costumi aggiuntivi che ti permettono di cambiare l'aspetto del protagonista. Nel corso della storia si sbloccheranno nuove mosse aggiuntive e combo per poter far fuori gli scagnozzi. Le musiche sono piacevoli se vi piace lo stile Mariachi della tradizione messicana anche se alle lunga può risultare un pochino ripetetiva. C'è anche la modalità co-op sullo stesso computer o in remote play che però non ho mai avuto il modo di provare.
Se vi piacciono i burrito con guacamolee e i luchadores del wrestling messicano questo è il gioco che fa per voi!
Posted May 18, 2021. Last edited October 13, 2021.
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1.6 hrs on record
I bought this game for 0,14 € . I think for the price it is worth! It has trading cards you can sell.
The gameplay is not so bad, it' s a 3d action game and you have special power like super sonic speed.
The game reminds me late 90s games like psx. Levels are a bit poor of elements but it's quite fun to play. I think once you finished the game you won't play it again.
Anyway good 14c spent! Reccomended! :D
Posted April 8, 2015. Last edited November 22, 2017.
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