I'm the left eye, you're the right
Would it not be madness to fight
We come one

Tho, if we had to fight, I would eat your liver.

Soundtrack for life:

Soundtrack for love:
Rinse and repeat

:possession: Tempus fugit. :cleanfloppy:

God is hiding in the Mandelbrot set.



Examples of gods/aliens among humans:

:p2cube: Tier, if you're reading this - I will never forget you. Thanks for all the fish. <3

:tank: Real, if you're reading this - Thanks for the video, I miss you, and I still use "nicen". <3

:catinablanket: Kitty, if you're reading this - The FUN server was awesome! Thank you for the experience. <3

:boomer: "Lady", if you're reading this - I wanted to talk to you woman to woman, like two adults, but you are a coward. Good luck. .i.

Was sie will bekommt sie auch.

Stalk me on Insta: marsinnfurs
Basic b1tch info
Name: A rose by any other name would still prick you with its thorns

Age: 13.7 billion ± 200 million yo

Nationality: r/2Balkan4You

Religion: Absurdism

Sex: Yes

Personality: A cat with Sagittarius rising during Mercury retrograde

Hobbies: I bowl. Drive around. Occasional acid flashback.

Fav music: Darth Vader breathing 10 hours [extended]

Fav book: Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers

Fav game: Conway's Game of Life
Recent Activity
3,897 hrs on record
last played on May 3
68 hrs on record
last played on Apr 12
2.8 hrs on record
last played on Mar 27
Linklera Apr 18 @ 3:54pm 
You make it sound like I'm some kind of wizard, when in reality I just have a proper tool for fixing sht. It's called RHBS [right hand btch slap].
Pringles™ Apr 18 @ 12:57pm 
She helped us fix plugins again! Thanks a lot :witch::steamhappy:
Lorem Ipsum Feb 8 @ 10:42am 
Brat moj napaceni
Linklera Jan 6 @ 10:32am 
Well, at least something sweet and pretty resides in that disturbed head now. :balloonicorn:
Pringles™ Jan 6 @ 6:36am 
Linky living rent free in Mrs. Ameera's head right now :) :witch:
fadia Jan 6 @ 12:54am 
Do you actually use your steam chat or am I writing to an empty chat :D. Maybe I should annoy you more here XD