Grant Chuggy Bear Shindo   Waipahu, Hawaii, United States
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Currently Offline
Candy Angel Jun 15, 2021 @ 5:14pm 
Watch out for this worthless POS on your friends list. He's saltier than my vag after 60 minutes of cardio and more toxic than an 80's tampon. He likes to grief eammates, throw games, and troll Steam profiles while hiding behind a private account like a Peruvian pole smoking b!tch boy. Rectal cancer is preferable to playing with this toxic AF d0uche nozzle. People like him make the rest of us grateful that abortion exists.
Dillon The Lion Mar 18, 2020 @ 3:59pm 
yo i had to drop u because inactive, give me a shout at youtube.com/DillonTheLion to game again sir