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Love it, just love it. Cancer never felt so good.
Verfasst am 10. Januar 2018.
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1,390.3 Std. insgesamt (929.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
One of my most go to play games on steam. Its just a lot of fun, especially when you end up with a group of nice guys thanks to the new prime account update!

So addicted to this game
Verfasst am 23. November 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 4. Januar 2018.
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6.8 Std. insgesamt
It's good fun, and honestly endless hours of LOLing.
Verfasst am 29. Dezember 2016.
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48 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
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10.8 Std. insgesamt (4.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Spoiler: If you’re a huge fan of this game, do not read on, I have absolutely nothing good to say with regards to Unturned.

Note: To those sending in long winded replies that add nothing constructive but stroke the tidly bits of other fan boys, dont bother, it'll be deleted and you wont even be entertained nor mildly humoured with a reply, lol. Pathetic.

Where do I start? I have been playing different types of post apocalyptic/zombie games for a long time, and this has to be by far the worst, I mean, it’s in a league of its own. Why though, do I hate this game with the power generated by ten fiery suns? Because it’s absolute crap.

It may have been fun to play once upon a time, but all I see now is very young gamers aged 9-12 running around ig with naked characters wielding axes that swing and smash anything and everything. It’s not so much a survival game, more a, strange litlle pixel inspired minecraft-wannabe alternative where there’s nothing productive about the game, no real aim, but to waste your time.

If you’re looking for a quality game with great graphics, this isn’t it.
If you’re looking for an entertaining game, a ouse fart would be more entertaining.
If you’re looking for a great minecraft inspired zombie game, look elsewhere, this is a rubbish knockoff.
If you’re looking for a survival/zombie game, go play dayz, or mta dayz, or samp dayz, or the walking dead, or any of the other options out there that are massively multiplayer and free to play, only difference is, they’re actually good.

Now, they say a 16 year old (now 17) made this game, great for him, it’s an achievement no doubt and I can’t hate on the lad, but this is a review, based on my own opinion, not one intended to reflect the type of guy/developer he may be.

The game sucks, it’s boring, it’s good for a 5minute laugh and then you just end up wanting to sucker punch yourself in the face repeatedly to numb down the pain of actually playing it.

Conclusion: I’d rather watch paint dry, while being lit on fire, than play his game again.

UPDATE: After playing it again, and really trying to see the pros of this game, I still can't help but feel this is a pre-teen entry for children to be introduced into the world of sandboxed post apocalyptic goodness. No matter what you do, you run into bugs in game leading me to believe the develop has all but given up on this game and turned to profit making. Take a look at the achievement icons, 10minutes you could redesign them, to remain 8bit inspired but be somewhat, more visually inspiring like this: http://i.imgur.com/ZJSPq0d.png But that won't happen, will it?

In addition, the NPC zombie bots are just about as silly as some of the players out to simply kill other players with a disregard for the game theme itself, survival. They will follow you no matter where you go, run in and out of homes, up second story buildings, even if you jump out of the top floor window and duck behind objects, they'll find you, but the logic of this game is if you climb a tent thats less than 3 feet high, they are stumped and walk inside it instead LOL. Don't get me started on how they can climb regular stairs but not ladders, or how they can navigate and find you even when you swim out into a lake then try to get ashore a hundred meters away.

Look, this game is good for a 5minute laugh, but it's not a serious post apocalyptic zombie survival game, there's dayz for that, heck even SAMP Dayz or MTA Dayz are better scripted and built than unturned, with more features, more options, more resources, and less buggy NPC's.

I will honestly give this game another shot to try to find the pros and list them, but playing unturned is the equivalent of starving, then gutting yourself open only to claw away at your intestines with a rusty nail.
Verfasst am 4. August 2014. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10. August 2014.
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477.6 Std. insgesamt (59.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I was recently introduced to the world of Team Fortress 2 and holly heck has my mind been blown. It may not be the most in depth, wide scale game ever developed, but the amount of sheer fun to be had is intense. I'm addicted, and I think that any gamer with an interest in team co-cop and shootum up games will love TF2.

The game is based on several different game modes, ranging from capture the flag, to king of the hill and race styled gameplays. There are also team zone capture game modes along with anti-gravity game modes and more. It's insane, so much to do, so many different maps, hundreds and hundreds of achievements to unlock, hundreds upon hundreds of items to find, items to unlock, to trade, power up your characters, oh, and you get to choose from a number of different classes to play as too.

You can be everything from a mechanic who can build sentry guns to a medic that heals players, to a spy that can transform into opposing team members and much more. I'm usually playing as a scout with super speed or a sniper, racking up dozens of headshots and kill sprees per round. With hundreds of servers to choose form and a dozen or more game modes, you can't go bored, not in this life time anyway.

I'm a huge fan, and I see myself playing TF2 for years to come!
Verfasst am 3. August 2014.
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