Xyrin Arcaiin
Oklahoma, United States
You hear our words but you forget. Push your fingers through the surface to the wet. We wait in the stains. Build you up 'til nothing remains. In the name of the sound of the name. Repeat the word, repeat the word, repeat the word. Egg cracks and the truth will emerge. A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. You are home. You remind us- happy. Hurt. Breaking the first, the second, the third, the fourth wall, fifth wall- no floor, you fall. Earworm humming in a dream: baby, baby, baby yeah. Just plastic.
Momenteel offline
Kyshira 1 apr om 9:28 
I think one of my hired pawns had the dragons plague. You pawn stopped following my orders so you might wanna reset your pawn by killing her and re-summoning
Xyrin Arcaiin 23 jul 2021 om 22:44 
I'LL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DO IT AGAIN
TotallyNotAName 23 jul 2021 om 20:48 
Mans just ended the lobby, hes tired of our BS
Xyrin Arcaiin 5 jun 2021 om 0:56 
I literally told you I was heading out bro!
TotallyNotAName 4 jun 2021 om 21:27 
Mans just ended the lobby, hes tired of our BS
Ink Eyes 17 apr 2021 om 8:07 
Don't start a game if you are just going to go AFK ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.