Hai, im a fox and I like Pikmin :LilyHappy: Music (Youtube)

Some TF2 mods I made some time ago:

MvM: Unused Giant Robot Footsteps Restored [drive.google.com]
MvM: Cooler Robot Death Sounds [drive.google.com]
Silly Randomized Killsound Pack [drive.google.com]
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About Waffles
Hai! :LilyHappy: I am Waffles! Pictured above is my sona Tokine.
I enjoy music, cute animals, and more. She/Her

Youtube Channel | Discord Server [discordapp.com]
Name: Tokine
A fox yokai that had lived in a secluded forest. Estimated ~110 years old.
She's a big tsundere kitsune with a scowl. (She is actually energetic and cheerful at times, but hates humans.)
Nonetheless, she's giving the urban lifestyle a shot...

You'll see her image often on my pages and in my work!
Favorite games: Pikmin 2, The Ur-Quan Masters, Team Fortress 2

I am a musician and audio enthusiast! I collect many synthesizers, instrument plugins, and sample libraries. (My favorite synthesizer is the Roland SC-88; the display is also my favorite color!)
I also have interest in typography and texture preservation for video games.

I love Pikmin, check out my Pikmin projects:
(Video) Delving into Pikmin 2's Procedural Cave Music
Scruffy and I's informative video on how cave music works in Pikmin 2!

(Videos) Pikmin 2 cave music oscilloscope videos
Oscilloscope views of cave music from Pikmin 2. These are recreations with HD/source samples, but are still structured exactly as they are in the game.
(Article) Creating custom cave music [pikmintkb.com]
A guide on creating custom, randomly generating music within Pikmin 2.

(Article) Unused music in Pikmin 2 [tcrf.net]
Theres some interesting unused content regarding cave music.

(Article) Assets used in the Pikmin series. [www.pikminwiki.com]
My love for texture, audio, and font archeology culminated together to create this article on the Pikmin Wiki! (The sources of assets used to create the world of Pikmin!)
(Twitter) 100 Pikmin audio facts [x.com]
100-fact extravaganza I did about Pikmin music and SFX, which led up to the release of Pikmin 4! Its a giant quote retweet-chain, so you can view them in order.

(Document) Pikmin Sample Sources [docs.google.com]
Several year-old and ongoing project where I document the sources of instruments and sound effect samples used in the Pikmin series.

(Download) Pik Pack, a collection of HD Pikmin instruments for Logic [drive.google.com]
Instruments used in Pikmin, Pikmin 2, and Pikmin 3, formatted for the Sampler plugin in Logic on Mac OS. (This collection was made possible thanks to my research above!)

(Download) Pikmin project files for Logic [drive.google.com]
Project file downloads of Pikmin music that was recreated to be as accurate as possible, openable in Logic on Mac OS.
Arbiter May 26 @ 12:16am 
pikmin is awesome
RedFox May 25 @ 9:31pm 
+rep - Very skilled tf2 player, very fun to go up against
hot house cucumber May 25 @ 4:22pm 
Snek May 23 @ 2:55pm 
miss ya
Neo May 19 @ 10:14pm 
20k hours in tf2 holy :AZAR_PANIC:
gug May 3 @ 5:30pm 
i didnt even realize im friends with you lmao i was just saying ♥♥♥♥