ShadedDaylight   Canada
There shall be-
no death without life
no shadows without light
and thus there cannot be bad without good.
Sin and virtue exist as two sides of the same coin. Without one the other doesn't matter.
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jme 29 sep, 2023 @ 13:22 
{TOXIC} HuntDad 14 jul, 2023 @ 12:47 
lol imagine
TheMadness 9 maj, 2023 @ 23:48 
WTF was wrong with your character?
smoothie devourer #4 2 mar, 2023 @ 16:57 
prime decoy target
smoothie devourer #4 16 jul, 2022 @ 1:06 
ShadedBaelight is literally one of the best person(s), I've ever met, first when you meet him, you're stunned about his glorious personality. I know it sounds like I have a 'hard on' for him, i do, but that's highly irrelevant right now. Anyways, his personality. Hes the funniest, coolest, nicest, person you'll ever meet as a gamer. Hes just makes you want to roll up in a blanket, throw your self into the stove at 375 degrees F for 30 mins, and call yourself a pig in a blanket. Lets talk about looks, Hes so hot. He will literally give you skin chills from the top of your big head all the way down to your little head. Its amazing, I can't ask for a better person to hang out with. He makes 1 minute go by hours in a instant. Its that one person that you always look forward to at the beginning of the day. Its the reason you wake up and want to start moving and get to your computer. Hes the one, and I hope he knows that.
Plastic 12 jun, 2022 @ 23:49 
Plays Killer, Camps and tunnels. Your circling of 20 meters and your lack of confidence in your game sense is pure comedy. -1