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:twerk: Cry more :steambored:
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Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 3 622 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 25.5.
yhteensä 0,1 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 17.5.
Saavutustilastot   0 / 139
yhteensä 1,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 17.5.
Waldo 18.9.2019 klo 11.32 
sorry dude I totally just stole that ★ Butterfly Knife | Doppler Phase 2, better luck next time
Bobbydicason ✌ 15.9.2019 klo 18.56 
Waldo 24.6.2018 klo 10.40 
honestly i don't even enjoy playing video games anymore. I feel so dead and empty inside all the time, nothing gives me any pleasure at all, the only reason i play anymore is as a distraction from the hole inside my heart. I come home from work and have nothing else to do because I'm so exhausted, so I'm just like "what game should I play?"

Euro Truck Simulator 2, every time.
Sir Teufel👿 19.8.2017 klo 15.38 
damn camp much lol
Anal Enjoyer 19.8.2017 klo 15.31 
GG Friend.
Novaoni 30.6.2017 klo 14.50 
Senjougahara > Hanekawa