Garry #buglan2024
what the tuna
:steamhappy: Cat. :steamhappy:
Worlds best programmer(((real)))
Its burger! What! What! :spiffo:
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gecknoe 7 hours ago 
sorry for poor english I am russia

was playing online grand theft automobile when hit fellow video gamer car with my car. i exit auto mobile and attempt trading of insurance information when I am hit by pistol bullet. fellow gamer goes into my vehicular and driver car. I am to look inside of his vehicular transportation when i cannot find vehicle registration under his name. call local police officer but he is not help, he is say racism things at me (i am a white in real but I enjoy roleplay as africa). so if anyone sees car license 7EDT417 please use telephone and call me
Tampy Apr 22 @ 10:38pm 
taco taker 2000 #buglan2024 Apr 22 @ 8:51pm 
what da gloop?? :marten_sip:
yipes! Apr 17 @ 5:41pm 
i love having fun every day!
really evil!!
Cello! Jan 31 @ 8:57am 
itts c--oofffwee spelled backwards