Highland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I enjoy studying fighting games, anything made by Hideo Kojima, and niche music made for virgins. Constantly tired and certainly gay.

Discord: pingutaro
Twitter: @PingutaroFG
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59 ώρες παιχνιδιού
Spoiler-Free Review of Death Stranding

Death Stranding is a unique game, it's one of the most unique I've played, but it's also one of the most creative and fresh AAA games I've played in a while. Before buying it, I was uncertain if I would even like it, as a large amount of people have discredited the game as "boring", "dull", and "walking simulator". However as a massive fan of the Metal Gear Solid series and Hideo Kojima, I was willing to give it a shot.

On the surface, the game may look like it's just walking from point A to point B, and while that is correct, what makes the game interesting and engaging is the finer details and decision-making present in the journey made to the destination. When you look in front of you, you can just see a line to follow, or you could see a many different paths each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The player will knowingly or not be making regular decisions. Deciding which path is the best to take? Do you have any vehicles you should take to make the journey quicker or carry a large amount of cargo? What equipment would be most helpful and how much to take? Are there any enemies in the area and should you prepare for them? How many weapons can you carry to protect yourself without with carrying too much and hindering your mobility? Are there certain items you can use creatively to make progressing through a once challenging area easier? I could go on forever about the choices you make while playing, and Death Stranding greatly encourages you to plan for deliveries, improvise as you go along, and is more than happy to reward you for doing so. It's a fun gameplay loop is that encourages creativity.

The game also has third-person shooter segments throughout the game and while these sections of the game are relatively simple and initially fun, although a bit lacking in depth which does cause these sections to stop feel a bit like a slog after a certain point.

The defining feature of the game is the reason why it's been labelled a "strand game". While the game isn't a conventional online multiplayer game, it does have a unique online element which makes the game stand out in an extraordinary fashion. Anything you create or place in-game can be seen and used by other players in the game. If I were to place a ladder to walk over a long gap in-game, there's a chance that you might be able to see and use that same ladder in-game. By using other player's structures, you can also give the player likes for doing so. While these likes have no in-game effect, they can be seen as a way of measuring how much of a positive impact you've had on other players experience. There are many other ways you can help out players, by building roads, letting your equipment be available for public use by other players, etc. This entire system gives the game so much life, reminding you that everybody else is walking down the same difficult journey and everybody is trying to lend one another a helping hand along the way. It provides a feeling of satisfaction and community that no other game I've ever played can match and this to me, is the heart of Death Stranding.

The visuals for this game are also incredible. This game is visually eye candy from beginning to end. It provides us with the usual share of weird and interesting concepts which are awesome to see. The world has near photo-realistic environments and stupidly detailed character models. The Photo Mode that comes with the game is almost addicting to use at times with the amount of control it gives you, letting you take some gorgeous screenshots.

The writing for this game is generally engaging (for the most part) and the concepts shown throughout the game are at the very least interesting. The game does get incredibly cutscene and exposition-heavy at points which can feel like an absolute drag with the game often taking time to over-explain many elements and re-explain them. Some of the dialogue and plot elements feel campy and absurd, your enjoyment of which will depend on how much you like Kojima's style. The emotional points in the game are executed well and there are a few moments in that are beyond incredible with one in particular being outstanding (you'll know the one I'm talking about if you've played the game).

The soundtrack created and licensed for this game is spot on and really builds upon the atmosphere the world already has, giving weight and charm to a ton of moments. Sometimes when you reach a new area and you're walking down a hill, the game will play a song to accompany your journey to the area, and it feels euphoric. The usage of vocal tracks in this game cannot be overstated in how much they do to deliver a great sense of feeling when playing.

Death Stranding is not for everyone, and that's fair. I think these days especially, people don't recognise enough that not every game is gonna be for everyone. Although if you even think that you might enjoy it, I would strongly encourage that you give this game a shot.
Προθήκη επιλεγμένων έργων τέχνης
Killing Peasants Is An Art 1 Ιουν, 15:55 
Apparently flyhacks in tf2? (Confirmed)
El Deachtóir 30 Μαϊ, 18:01 
+rep best medic
Pingutaro 1 Φεβ, 11:57 
Didn't I smoke you lmao.
BANDITZZZ 1 Φεβ, 10:58 
awesome tutorial LOL
DOCTOR SEX 16 Οκτ 2023, 5:34 
+rep healed me and we slayed
Отвар бегемота 16 Οκτ 2023, 1:26 
+rep good med