Murph ♡
Murph   Costa Rica
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Sushi Cat Nov 2, 2023 @ 8:27pm 
hiya sunshine ☀️ how are you? idk if you’ll get this because we’re not actual FB buddies yet but I had to send you a friend request for soo many reasons! (all good ones. well obviously, if they weren’t I wouldn’t imagine I’d send you a request 😅) to name a few, I love your name, I’ve always loved Emily (not like you had a choice in your name anyway but yeah.), Not gonna lie, I absolutely love your lil face in your profile pic, youre amazingly beautiful 😻 and I love your glasses and they look so good on you 🤓 (I’m not interested in people just because of their looks though (it helps a bit attraction wise) I get vibes/feelings from people even just through pics and profiles, mostly in person usually but as soon as I saw you on here I just couldn’t not send you a request, everything was speaking to me about you. anyway, I hope you either see this and/or accept my request and we can chat more, I’d really love to chat with you, you seem kinda wonderful
MrZ0so on Twitch Sep 23, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
Buen jugador. Solo le falta mejorar, la comunicación, el loopeo, aprender a hacerse buenas builds, saber cuando sacar del gancho, cuando genrushear, a saber a darle a las pruebas de habilidad y a las pruebas de habilidad excelentes, saber buscar totems, sacar ruina, noed, devoradora, saber que habilidades tiene el killer, saberse los mapas, como usar las llaves, cuando usarlas, como usar bien una jeringa, cuando y como usar la linterna y como se usa el repuesto de la caja. Ademas de eso un jugador excelente.:steamthumbsup: