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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,530.8 hrs on record (952.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 23, 2016 @ 2:03pm
Updated: Jun 12, 2022 @ 11:47am

I spent plenty of time in the game, and money. There's been enough changes from module to module that I no longer really enjoy the game like I use to.

There's so much number bloat that I can't accurately tell if my damage is good or not. The new skill cap is level 20, from level 80. At like level 5, my health was 50k and my damage from at wills was in the thousands. My health from a level 11 was nearly the same as a level 68 prior to the level change. It's like they added three 0's to everything while lowering the level progression. Reduce the numbers so I don't have to calculate the percentage of 40k Item level with 450k health and about fifteen stats in the 50ks. It's ridiculous

The new enchantment process was an absolute slap in the face. It make getting more stats exceedingly more expensive to do early on, but once it's 100% done on one character, it's account wide. So this hinders new players and helps those that make multiple characters get free enchants. I see level 1s have stats almost the same as mine as a level 20 purely on enchants.

As soon as the player gets to level 20 and finishes the last of the main questline, they beat valindra. I don't know if this is some joke but a one man fight on valindra instead of the prior raid for her is dumb. I only found this out while helping a friend level up so we could do campaigns (which are absolutely confusing now) and just laughed as we beat valindra when I had previously only fought her dungeon twice with a full group and that was difficult, this mini valindra stupid easy.

Events are dumbed down so they all share one currency and have their RNG made even worse. I almost never get any drops from events now compared to before where I eventually buy it from the event store at the end.

I only pay this MMO for friends and because I make sure this is the only MMO that wastes my time.
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