Secret agent Dipschitt

Shoutout to [A.W.Z.]. They tried so hard to give me a small gift even though steam wouldn't let them trade me no matter how hard they tried. Special thanks to them.
Double shoutout to Nick "Arcturius" Zaron. When we were trading and he had some problems that were only a slight inconvenience he went out of the way to give me some stuff for free. One hell of a dude. We've had alot of good trades in the past too.
Catbug, you one hell of a dude. Thanks for all of the fun sniper battles and the airborne attire you gave me. Gonna miss you when you're gone.
TotallyNotChaos legit player, did a 20 ref spycrab straight up. Was pretty chill about it and I respect him for not running or anything.
Spooky skeleton, dope ass dude out of the blue gave me a great gift for medic. Always happy to meet kind dudes in TF2 <3

19:21 - MUDA MUDA Hades: The fact of random trade should hint at you
19:21 - MUDA MUDA Hades: The fact of random trade should hint at you
19:21 - MUDA MUDA Hades: The fact of random trade should hint at you
19:21 - MUDA MUDA Hades: The fact of random trade should hint at you
19:21 - MUDA MUDA Hades: The fact of random trade should hint at you
19:21 - MUDA MUDA Hades: The fact of random trade should hint at you
19:21 - MUDA MUDA Hades: The fact of random trade should hint at you
Bull Dawg is a pretty cool dude. A random act of kindness towards me which he didn't give himself enoguh credit for. Thank you so much!
Quotes from random times, a growing list:

:e1big:"[Donator] spookyagentsnail : 2. they keyboard will dont work underwater"

:e1big:"☭Commissar Junior : you may have killed me, but i have a better aht
:e1big:☭Commissar Junior : *hat"

:e1big:James | : You got kicked for spamming
:e1big:James | : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ admin abuse
:e1big:[Moderator] Sugoni™ ⇋HG-S⇌ : ^

:e1big:*DEAD* James | : Demote sugoni for kicking a guy who spammed
:e1big:[Moderator] Sugoni™ ⇋HG-S⇌ : I'm so abusive for enforcing rules properly

:e1big:[Moderator] XanFire ⇋HG-S⇌ : Sm_adminabooze Sugoni 0 uranewb

:e1big:Dishwasher : The direct miss

[Moderator] XanFire ⇋HG-S⇌ : sm_ban adrianne 0 'ending perfect tauntkills. im not salty at all'
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마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 18일
기록상 100시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 18일
Jobbie 2024년 1월 28일 오후 5시 02분 
cancerpedo irl
Dd 2024년 1월 11일 오전 8시 29분 
whats that sound? its the sound of the rumbumbumbum! you know what that means.... drop and give me 20... SECONDS of furious dancing. Hit the ground, run around, jump up and down till you cant make a sound. It's the cowboy moomoo rowdy rodeo baby. Epic.

If you can't dance, Woody's coming to get ya - to stop him you gotta keep this grrove going baby and make sure your people know what to do. :lunar2019wavingpig:
PRONI 2024년 1월 8일 오전 10시 06분 
лошьё обоссаное
Achille-089 2024년 1월 6일 오전 5시 03분 
gg cheat =)
iPWNswiss 2023년 11월 18일 오후 11시 29분 
-rep can't see ragehacker as only afk and using chat. LMAO
Dd 2023년 10월 27일 오전 7시 21분 
+rep has good density 2