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6,323.6 hrs on record (584.1 hrs at review time)
Posted June 28, 2017.
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151.3 hrs on record (137.0 hrs at review time)
I’m playing Life is Strange, the stunning episodic game from DONTNOD Entertainment. I think I knew I was going to love it from the opening credits, as the protagonist steps into her high school hallway, sighs momentarily, and drowns out the gossip and hubbub with exactly the right indie song. Her internal dialog runs over the smooth lyrics and burbling guitar as she makes her way through the flowing river of students.

Back in the day, games were always about the gameplay. A game was good if it had fun combat or interesting mechanics. Gaming itself was still fresh and new, and the process of interacting with a computer and overcoming challenges was entertaining in its own right. Lately, though, that hasn’t been enough for me. A shooter where the plot only exists to keep you moving down the path towards the end of the game while both your gear and the enemies incrementally improve… it feels stale at this point. More and more, I’ve been moving towards games that skip the ‘action’ entirely in favor of the story.

The central mechanic of Life is Strange is a key reason it works so well. Max, the hero, gains the ability to rewind time in short bursts. Most games would use this as a way to liven up a combat system or to create intricate puzzles to navigate, but in Life is Strange, you use it to make choices. Everyday, normal decisions, at first — should you raise your hand with the correct answer in class or not? You see people’s immediate reactions, and if you don’t like them, you can go back and pick another option. Once your choice is locked in, though, there’s no going back.

This isn’t Fallout 4 — it soon becomes very clear that your choices have large and growing impacts on the world around you. Friendships and romances begin and end, lives are threatened, and you start to learn more about the characters, the world, and your powers. The ability to rewind time and change your choices leads to long moments of contemplation, exploring all of the options and carefully considering the ramifications, but other than your movement and the decisions, the game plays like an interactive movie. The perfectly selected indie rock soundtrack adds depth and feeling to the scenes and the voice acting is spot on. It takes place in a fictional town in Oregon, and it feels so much like the Pacific Northwest that it’s making me homesick.

I’m only a few hours into the game, and I’ve already completely screwed everything up. I was trying to save someone, but I just couldn’t make it happen. All my decisions have come home to roost. The haunting sound of Jose Gonzalez’s Crosses plays in my ears as the results of my decisions play out on the screen. I’m powerless to stop it.

It’s one of the few times a game has made me roll back in my chair and just sit, staring blankly at the screen and feeling the sick, sinking sensation of every poor choice I’ve made piling up on me, my good intentions useless in the face of what’s unfolding.

And, suddenly, the game isn’t about the game anymore. I’m transported back through my own life, reliving my pivotal decisions: dropping out of college, moving to Costa Rica on a whim, moving to Japan on another. The branching path of the choices that have shaped my life has never been as apparent to me as it is right now. I’m not distraught because of what’s happening in the plot. I’m mourning for all the other versions of me that I’m not — the ones who bounced down a different path because of an offhand decision, a minor, momentary, careless impulse that sent them spiraling off in another direction. The ones who worked harder, the ones who took more chances, the ones who played it safer…

I shake my head, jarring myself out of my reverie. I chase it away for good with the rest of the glass, the smooth burn searing my throat as I pull myself back into position, enthralled, gutted. All I can do is keep going.

Written by :
Ben Bagamery
Posted February 17, 2017. Last edited November 25, 2017.
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7.8 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Jakarta, May 1998

It was based on real events, the May 1998 riots in Jakarta. The dark history came from clash of racism, culture, social and religions. The main targets of the violence were ethnic Chinese. Im also Chinese Indonesian, same age with the loli at that moment, remembering that tragedy still send shivers down to my spine. You can lookup the history, search the NSFW picture too.
Don't get fooled by the cute loli, prepare for dark, gore and disturbing event
The story start with a introduction of Indonesia culture and everything start nicely, with the great artwork, everything looks good and normal, but the more the story goes on, the darker it becomes, and it becomes very dark when the riot begin, there is no more humanity left.
Last warning, don't get fooled by the cute loli, prepare for dark, gore and disturbing event
Posted December 23, 2016. Last edited December 23, 2016.
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3.6 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
“I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye”
I'm telling you, if this game doesn't make you almost (or actually) cry, then you either didn't pay much attention to the story, or you're just not an emotional person in the slightest.
Posted November 27, 2016.
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3.4 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
another $1 waste for "perfect" games showcase
Posted June 12, 2016.
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117.7 hrs on record (38.3 hrs at review time)
Girlfriend:What are you playing?
Me: I dunno, some silly game
GF: So what's the point of it?
Me: I don't really know, earn a bunch of money?
GF: And what do you do when you have enough?
Me: I don't know, buy more stuff
GF: But what happens when you run out of stuff to buy.
Me: I don't know
GF: Well is it fun?
Me: I...don't know
GF: Why are you still playing it?
Me: I....don't......know........but I can't stop

11/10 my girlfriend gonna breakup with me,

but wait, i dont have girlfriend anyway
Posted June 12, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
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174.4 hrs on record (40.6 hrs at review time)
Girlfriend:What are you playing?
Me: I dunno, some silly game
GF: So what's the point of it?
Me: I don't really know, earn a bunch of money?
GF: And what do you do when you have enough?
Me: I don't know, buy more stuff
GF: But what happens when you run out of stuff to buy.
Me: I don't know
GF: Well is it fun?
Me: I...don't know
GF: Why are you still playing it?
Me: I....don't......know........but I can't stop

11/10 my girlfriend gonna breakup with me,

but wait, i dont have girlfriend anyway
Posted June 12, 2015.
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783.8 hrs on record (49.3 hrs at review time)
What I've learned with this game:
- The 99.90% of the USA population are cops.
- There isn't a working drill in the whole country.
- If someone hear a drill noise, he will call the police anyway. Even if you're using it for doing some works at your house.
- I can shout to dying people to get the ♥♥♥♥ up and they get up without any problem.
- If I wear sunglasses, the civilians call the police.
- If I have a beard, the civilians call the police.
- The cops are generous enough to give back my weapons and ammo after releasing me from custody.
- A girl can answer to a male guard pager without being suspicious.
- I can hide a minigun and a rocket launcher in my suit... on the same time.
- If I induce a cop to handcuff himself, I can make him forget his training and moral grounds and he will instantly fight by my side.
- If I handcuff a cop, he stays on his knees and he stays there even if you leave him alone. A normal guy, in that position, can easily stand up and escape... but apparently there aren't smart cops.
- I can rob the same bank multiple times for different reasons and they never increase their security.
Posted June 12, 2015.
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427.7 hrs on record (258.4 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
>see a guy
>shoot him
>miss every shot
>he turns around
>kills me in one shot
>exit cs:go

Posted June 12, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
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774.9 hrs on record (23.5 hrs at review time)
Pros :
+ the story actually good
+ fappable
+ bewbs everywhereee
+ fox <3

Cons :
- i cant stop fapping
- still cant stop fapping
- might die in fapping position
Posted June 12, 2015.
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