If I were the same, but different?
總時數 2,196 小時
最後執行於 4 月 29 日
總時數 139 小時
最後執行於 1 月 11 日
100 經驗值
成就進度   52 / 132
總時數 7.4 小時
最後執行於 1 月 1 日
󠀡󠀡 4 小時以前 
Really quite distressed currently, I scrolled through an old social media of mine I hadn't used since 2019 and noticed a lovely girl who was very kind to me and left me a lovely message I never replied to, had since passed away. RIP to you, lovely.
󠀡󠀡 5 小時以前 
Already Monday, what a drag. Time to be a thoroughly productive member of society and sleep for the day ahead. (riiiight...) night to a world
󠀡󠀡 5 小時以前 
I wouldn't want to think you despise me, but I would understand it. I hope you recovered well from your sickness!
󠀡󠀡 5 月 25 日 下午 4:34 
my body is never going to fully heal, its unsightly
󠀡󠀡 5 月 25 日 下午 2:41 
Vashti Bunyan popping up on my YT home page is just ridiculous cannot be coincidence? i prefer not to cry but i'll listen along anyway