1 person found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 201.7 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Sep 29, 2016 @ 7:41am

This is a good game why bad review? If you are using a joystick you are not going to have a good time. I was finding it a hard time to fly with the joystick, the movement was bad and I can barely aim at targets. The moment I switched to mouse I was getting kill after kill after kill. It was too easy to fly with mouse. I only downloaded war thunder was because i wanted to use my joystick more but now I uninstalled it. They really need to work on their joystick mechanic after all it IS a flight game.
Of course there will be people saying joystick is ok and I need to git good, well I mostly play star citizen, elite dangerous and I fly with joystick in Arma. I spent alot of time in those games so I'm not a noob with a joystick. I can also say that War thunder joystick movement sucks because I've played other games and did not have as much frustration.
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Madinc99 Sep 29, 2016 @ 1:27pm 
"The moment I switched to mouse I was getting kill after kill after kill" Im sorry but were you playing Arcade or Realistic? If so, you need to play Simulator. Only people with Joysticks play that mode.