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Recent reviews by FestiveP

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200.2 hrs on record (109.2 hrs at review time)
Posted July 10, 2020.
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0.9 hrs on record
This game had potential, but after playing a few games I can see some major flaws:
- Movement feels slow and clunky
- The map is too large, this is not helped by the slow movement speed
- The lack of communication options make it near impossible to coordinate as a team, if the game added competitive I could see solo Q players having a lot of trouble
- its hard to play solo as it feels impossible to solo carry (Could be my character roster or that i'm bad idk)
- this game seems to be having an identity crisis, it plays at the speed of a MOBA but all the characters feel much more FPS
- The Gunplay is unsatisfactory and the bleed mechanic feels inconsistent
- this my be a little subjective but its just not fun

Its not all bad though
- The game doesn't seem to poorly balanced
- the characters aren't bland and pointless
- it still shows promise if some of these issues are addressed

I just don't think they can fix these problems fast enough to stop the games non existent player base to go back to valorant or league and the disaster of day 1 bugs/server issues some of which are still a large problem for the game did not help.

I really hoped this game was going to be good, but it just isn't.

TL;DR at least its free
Posted May 21, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
874.3 hrs on record (384.2 hrs at review time)
If you look at most of the other reviews people are saying it is so poorly optimized that it is almost unplayable but that is false. it isn't perfectly optimized but aslong as you have the recomended specs you can run the game just fine. I have intel core i7 and a Nvidia GeForce 950 and i have a constant 100 fps with small drops occasionally. Now the DLC and the general price of the game i love the game i dont mind the full game price tag BUT i dont like the DLC the center and ragnarok are fine because they are free. Scorched earth is not ok they relesed it before the full relese of the game. Another thing people over exaggerate is the bugs there is not to many bugs and the ones that are there arent even game breaking they are all minor inconviences that slightly slow your progress. over all it is a good game just either set up a server (you dont need ro pay for one) or play singleplayer.
Posted October 29, 2017. Last edited October 29, 2017.
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