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Recenzii recente de Slombeeper

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Se afișează 1-10 din 69 intrări
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I have tried to see the good in this game and it does have a lot of good qualities but I just find it to be overshadowed by the negatives. The main problem I have is that the items you get are extremely unpredictable. All from random usables, cards and slot machines. Rather than giving you a strategic decision, you are gambling with each use of your items. The controls can also feel a bit stiff at times. Unfortunately I would not recommend this game.
Postat 21 aprilie.
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It was an interesting set of minigames. Unfortunately, I found most of them to be too confusing and short. Just a little bit more content in the smaller minigames and a more clear game design and this would be recommendable for me.
Postat 21 februarie.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Generic and unpolished
Postat 4 februarie.
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18.0 ore înregistrate (15.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I went into this game pretty much blind. I only knew it was dark and I guess it was gruesome with themes and horrificly spooky at times but it could have gone furhter. There were things that this game did which I enjoyed such as tons of side stuff, the emotion mechanic in battle and the different bosses were all really fun. However there were also things I did not like such as the unneccesarily long build ups to multiple reveals and when choices came up on the screen too slowly so I accidently clicked an option when I was trying to advance the text. The music was alright, somewhat good. The art and cutscenes I was not a big fan of and it didn't get better as I played through it. I found that the gameplay was enjoyable but had no real "payoff" in the end when you leveled up. Overall I would not recommend this game. I didn't enjoy the major plot point of the "story" and it was so slow.
Postat 5 ianuarie. Editat ultima dată 11 ianuarie.
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The skeleton spooked me out of my skin. Now I'm all a pile of bones.
Postat 6 decembrie 2023.
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28.6 ore înregistrate
I had fun. But there were a bunch of flaws that made the score go down. First, it got very repetitive when the main character did the same mistake twice and then kept doing it, only to lead up to the later parts of the story where he has to undo everything and do it ALL over again. It felt like you were watching the same story unfold too many times. But I liked the characters and the reveals. I wish they had explained the science stuff a bit more too. The intro sequence was also very long. It was good, but not the best out there.
Postat 12 septembrie 2023.
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8.8 ore înregistrate (7.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
The Upturned is a silly game but it has some genuine horror elements. Your goal is to find objects on different floors of the inn and proceed to your own room. The gameplay itself is pretty fun and I certainly enjoyed it. However there are two things which bring down my rating. Firstly, the throw mechanic is hard to use because first you have to look at the object you want to throw and then you have to properly aim with an object covering almost all of your vision in some cases. This makes it frustratingly hard to hit targets (even auto-lock on misses and is its own problem). Secondly, I didn't find the ending very satisfying or worthwhile.
Rating: 7/10
Postat 9 august 2023.
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4.8 ore înregistrate
Became a pro at Medieval America and made the single other player rage quit. 9/10, I thought it was a bot to begin with.
Postat 4 iunie 2023.
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2.5 ore înregistrate
Toxicant had an interesting premise to begin with but falls short due to lack of variety. There are basically just 4 or 5 different "creatures". The combat is quite lackluster and the mechanics aren't well utulized. Your only goal in the game is to run around, find an items and then find an exit.3/10
Postat 25 martie 2023.
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1.3 ore înregistrate
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
I thought they were going to go in a more unique way with this game but nope. It's just your general horror puzzle game. There's not much to do and the breakable terrain rarely comes into play, if ever, unless required for puzzles.
Postat 30 noiembrie 2022.
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Se afișează 1-10 din 69 intrări