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169.3 hrs on record (124.2 hrs at review time)
Sony Decided to make the right decision and leave HELLDIVERS 2 PC community alone and not screw over a large part of their player base in other countries. As of 5/6/24, I am pleased to say that this game and its community continues to embody a Paragon-strong foothold to keep politics out of games. A team focused coop based fun-fest where you and your friends can unwind and yet go crazy with wacky antics and bodacious explosions. Like many have said this calls back to the days of Halo playing with the Bros. The game still has many lessons to learn when it comes to game play and Quality of Life (They could work on making more buffs instead of nerfs as the stronger our arsenal the more enemies we can take down in a Democratic fashion) Making the full arsenal of a HELLDIVER compete to be the best in a balanced way is my personal opinion of how to improve the fun factor- and that's what makes it so endearing it gives hope to many a downtrodden player- PlayStation and PC alike we Gamers and players of the two platforms are not enemies but united

But Stay weary and be steadfast fellow HELLDIVERS!!

Much like the Relentless struggle of the Tyranid, Automoton, and eventually Illuminate threats to ruin our freedom, so is SONY right there waiting to pull some garbage like this again, I request any who read this review to understand that this is only a battle in the War for Freedom and Democracy- and so I hold this review up in good faith as to positively reinforce this behavior, but it is not guaranteed.

They must hold up their end of the bargain as HELLDIVERS 1 dosen't require this and still didn't require account linking when they were going to implement this system. The focus is so they can force their totalitarian "safety" policies (https://exputer.com/news/industry/sony-patents-players-harassment/) on our DEMOCRACY!!- in order to report our Patriotic behavior to the Dictatorial scum known as SONY, if the enemy's plan were to bear its sadistic and twisted poisonous fruit -This information will be used to accomplish two tasks

1: Sell our information on a more official basis (As they already have a invasive anti cheat that reads everything on your PC) , while also raising up the number of accounts assigned to PlayStation to boost numbers for shareholder meetings, rather than actually cultivating a consumer friendly environment

2. Influence and Coerce our behavior to enforce their world view on a fictional setting designed to allow for a precisely defined experience, and eventually on a wider scale control behaviors throughout the gaming industry- following the ever draining pool of Black rock and Vanguard money participating in these heinous practices boosts their Company's social credit score and now SONY is no more than a fiend for the drug of these two companies' (and many more) Stolen money.

In these trying times when game publishers and companies refuse and viciously fight against giving the paying customer what they pay for- an escapist hobby to refresh the spirits, one must either fight against this for DEMOCRACY!! or submit like a treasonous and terribly debased coward. Support ARROWHEAD-Screw SONY ,I fight for the Liberty to be free from all forms of tyranny, if they try this treasonous campaign once again I am prepared to DO MY PART!! FOR DEMOCRACY!!!

Posted May 6.
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10 people found this review helpful
34.8 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Dont buy This crap it has microtransactions in a singleplayer game to pay for mods and has less support for nude mods and things that are lewd
Use this link to get the original its no longer on steam search bar because they are greedy and want you to buy worthless horse armor for mudcrabs

Posted November 17, 2017. Last edited November 17, 2017.
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11 people found this review helpful
40.2 hrs on record (36.9 hrs at review time)
Bethesda SOFTWORKS yet again is trying to pull a shadow of war/MGSV/NBA2K18 and have micro transactions in a single player sub par game that is only good with mods the only reason they made it was for PS4 so they could lul some suckers into paying for crap they can mod in themselves if they know how to do it right it's already a glitchfest and the club was never about the modders it's just paid mods with micro transactions which is even worse than the regular paid mods don't buy this utter bull manure banther piss of a game with its overpriced dlc that was mods originally exept for two pathetic expansions the game isn't worth the excriment from a skunks fishy rotten septic truck roadkilled urethra
Posted October 4, 2017.
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252.5 hrs on record (118.8 hrs at review time)
Im gonna start off by saying this game used to be good until they:
- added a clone character the rocket launcher person that makes nader irrelevant and can give out ammo constantly this is when balence goes down hill, with a personal nitpick of the hairstyle which is actually stolen from sparks and nader
-Removed the option to change your casual gameplay type, along with streamlining the whole MM in general
-Made it so that you cant even find a server thats objective/execution/stopwatch depending on what reigon you're in
-There is no longer a filter in the server browsing section for gameplay types

the gameplay itself have taken a deep dive into the darkest dankest sewer grate. SMGs no longer work on people unless you are directly in front of someone and spray to win, which is unfortunate because while your spending 2.5 secs trying to kill someone, with any gun other than a shotgun you'll be either insta killed by an explosive, one shot by a shotgun , or maybe if youre lucky youll be three shot by a HMG that people can run around with and these characters that have these guns usually have soo much health/armor that you might as well not play any other merc. Most game sessions can be summarized like this

1: Click play and wait for the game to load its 32 bit self
2:Get in the game and click through the constant self promotion (make sure to turn off the "show me this later" feature at the bottom left. its real small so you'll be strained to find it)
3:Click play and look at your only option, Casual matchmaking since most people arent level 10 or higher for competetive and the game dosent feel like having the servers for it up since its "Season is Over" (instead of 3 options like you've had prior)
4: wait 5-20 minutes on the terrible new matchmaking system to put you in an awfully unbalanced lobby/game
5:Be forced to sit through looking at other peoples loadouts even though this is supposed to be casual. (if you wanted to see their loadouts you could just put it on the tab screen)
6:Choose your merc and run out only to get killed in 2 seconds (Repeat this process while getting some lucky shots or just plain bad opponents along with some constant spam of one mercs that are, op with 1 or 2 medics on each team until you either loose or win.
7:Get a gambling-lootbox-equivelant called a case and open only to get a crappy item since your chances are only about 2%-.1% to get a good item (please dont buy the elite cases 5$ can't even get you a character, your chances are higher but at the end of the day you only get one card for 5 dollars)
8:stop playing ( and if you're somehow lulled into another update that adds an overpowered character and de-blances the game, repeat the process)


My Complaints still stand but I can see that tehre is an effort being put into the betterment of this game I previously did not reccomend this game to others due to its many terrible flaws but this gameplay is to be commended so I belive with enough time ( even though its been out for a good while) it can turn into a very successfully fun full game
Posted October 4, 2017. Last edited October 11, 2017.
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1,207.3 hrs on record (870.8 hrs at review time)
The game has gone through A LOT in these past 2 years its gotten a new movement system as well as multple warframes and weapons as to be expected and its been a mountain ridge of success and failures in the sense of good ideas and bad implementations
Ill once again start with the bad.

1.Mini-Map systems are STILL TERRIBLE!!!
Now that there is a new movement system and levels you would think that the mini-map design would be adjusted to fit it but that is a constant problem that stays with this game.

2.Glicthes do not get patched/payed any attention (unless they are fun)
With the game itself and everything in it the main focus is adding content and never refining it but once in awhile, Im not complaining that there is more content I really enjoy how warframe tries to stay fresh but there has to be a balence between content added and refinement and all you have to do is refine the new content and while everyone is on that work on the kinks through hotfixes.

3. The conversion to a relic system
This is the real problem I have with the game and it continiues to ache my soule to this day its yet another cheap way to make people play the game longer the key system was far supeirior due simply to the fact that evryone got what they worked for, they nickle and dimed the community who worked ahrd on their farming I had 50 tower IV survivals and they were converted into relics instead of simply adding relics as a way to get an item better in chance as well as having the initial key for a reward which in total if you had gotten one royund with a relic(in this new system Im theorizing/suggesting ) it would make the system fair rewarding and far more enjoyable.

4.Everything makes it obvious that it wants you to play super long
Rather than hiding it through its great gameplay and lore(recently) and ideas it makes everything a slog not as bad as other games like MGSV but I can see it going down to that level if they keep it up, things like the edition of endo werent initially a bad idea but from how this world works we know that good intentions do not always deliver the only thing that makes this system abd is makeing people use credits along with it you'll be broke when youre fone modding 2 weapons and 1 warframe.

Juts take it out of the game it limits warframe movement its boring and any time I get into a mission that has archwing I immediatley leave.

The good points I had in my previous review still stand and warframe has continiues to maintain a fair premium currency market and constant updates with graphics getting better and better along with new implementations systems and overall content the developers only really need to work on taking criticizm and actually working with it. dont trust their partners they're payed to tell/convince you the game is good let yourself be the judge of that this game in my personal opinion is worth the download, the only reason I highlight the flaws is to let you know what you're getting into as well as provide alternatives as to see the game improve. Along the years this game seems to be doing quite well for itself and has done so through fair and smart busness practices as well as communicating with at least a portion of its community it has come a long way since ive last reviewed it I will continiue to play and support this game but never will I blindly defend this company,game or even its devs. it can always improve just like every thing if you want the game to improve the best thing you can do is provide alternatives and finacially and physically (through feedback) support the decisions and ideas hat you liek the most , bandwagoning only leads to COD/Destiny Clones.

Ok, so let me start off by saying, No this is not a pay to play game you can get almost all the items in the game for free in the sense of federal funds. Ill decide to start with the bad news about this game.
Bad Things~
1.Map systems are TERRIBLE
-half the time you wont even know where the exit is on an infestation level.

2.Wait time for the RIDICULOUS amount of time it takes to make practically anything.
-Basicly explains itself but its cheap way how they get money [get ready to empty your wallet to speed up things]

-you will run into at least 10 glitches in one week of playing I would let this pass since its f2p and the fact that il lt constantly updates it to fix them but they are countless and its going to be a while till they perfect everything.

Good things~
1.Beautiful Graphics (given you've got a good enough pc)

-The graphics and colour variations are great epeacially with colour correction on.

-this is definatly a given since you probably know by now a game with space ninjas and guns each with various powers and customizable looks to boost morale and overall expirience is very good.

3.Constant Updates
-This game recives tons of updates so many that you should never really grow bored with the game (given you arent still starter and dont know what to do like i was i reccomend looking at Mogamu and some of the guides are very helpful)

Overall this is a decent game but it definatly could use some work add me if you want to discuss it further in depth.
Posted October 21, 2014. Last edited October 4, 2017.
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