Shadow Wizard Money Gang
:gridbyte:Greetings, programs.:gridbyte:
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Greetings, programs! Together we have achieved a great many things. We have created a vast, complex system. We've maintained it; we've improved it. We've rid it of its imperfection. Not to mention, rid it of the false deity who sought to enslave us! Kevin Flynn!! Where are you now?! My fellow programs, let there be no doubt that our world is a cage no more. For at this moment, the key to the next frontier is finally in our possession! And unlike our selfish creator, who reserved the privilege of our world only for himself, I will make their world open and available to all of us. YES, TO ALL OF US! And whatever we find there, there, our system will grow. There, our system will blossom! Do this, prove yourselves, prove yourselves to me, be loyal to me, and I will never betray you! - Maximize efficiency, rid the new system of its imperfection! My vision is clear, fellow programs. Out there is a new world! Out there is our victory! Out there... is our destiny.
Camiris Nov 26, 2022 @ 6:06pm 
oi :brownchicken:
Dick Vigarista Nov 23, 2022 @ 6:37pm 
usa hack no competitivo ESSE FRACASSADO, DENUNCIEM !!!
Lagrange Nov 23, 2022 @ 6:35pm 
hack de competitivo. Denunciem o perfil até cair
BANDIDA Oct 20, 2019 @ 6:51pm 
assindo pela BANDIDA :)
gAuLeS Jan 23, 2018 @ 2:30pm 
Estamos juntos irmão! Obrigado pelo carinho! #TriboGaules
KCT Dec 27, 2017 @ 7:35pm