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지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 232.9시간 (평가 당시 24.3시간)
게시 일시: 2014년 12월 3일 오후 8시 39분

Gameplay is gr8
glitches kind of mess it up, such as the glitch where the infantry go inside each other, this isnt a prob tho because infantry is almost useless. XD
missions can be kind of boring at a few times, but skirmish is fun AF.
I remember playing this game a long time ago :P had so much fun, i love how the game updated! Good work guys! x3
I dont see a problem with the registration thing because maybe steam doesnt support the network for them... I mean they do have their own website...
the dialogue for anything without a helmet is ridiculous... theyre saying somethin like "Ok, I will meet you at the Kitten Lab" and it looks like theyre saying something like bla aaa la la play il la
The story is great, some things could be added but my favorite part about this was the mass amount of units and structures.
complete the registry form or your a noob.
gj m16a4's
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Dirt Man 2020년 1월 5일 오후 4시 46분 
cammy poo
sleep with me
romeo 2019년 11월 29일 오후 2시 16분 
Thanks for the review, eye opening! Will get this game now! :steamhappy: