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It's pretty good.
Publicada el 5 de noviembre de 2020.
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70.6 h registradas (63.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Got this game when it was around 18$ for both the game itself and the DLC, and played both single player and 2-3 people in the entire party.
It's only worth that price tag, and nothing more in my opinion- it has the polish of a good game, but the gameplay is frustrating as hell.

If you have motion sickness, this game is your worst nightmare. It gets super grindy at times, and the level progression is so absurdly slow that you WILL most likely look up videos of how to cheat the leveling system.

Parkour makes no real difference to the game once you get the grappling hook. As you can save yourself mid fall or legit hook yourself from building to building like Batman. Why parkour up a building when you can look up at the edge and Batman yourself up to it, skipping the entire experience. (These aren't normal buildings either, these are near 5-6 story buildings).

The parkour mechanic is also wonky as hell, sometimes you grab a ledge on the top of an office building, only to turn around randomly and leap right the hell off. Having the grapplehook can save you in these situations. But its a system you really need to get used to, as you need to aim your camera straight at what you intend to grapple, making for frustrating gameplay at times.

Combat. Is. Frustrating.
You will learn to despise Virals (running zombies) with every ounce of your being, as they flat out prevent you from using guns outside. Your guns are restricted to areas only containing human fights or inside buildings where you know they don't spawn, because outside- they spawn infinitely, spawning 3 every time you shoot a bullet. Not only that: They. Can. Dodge. Melee. Attacks. CONSTANTLY.

Zombie grappling is the most unholy mechanic they made for this game. I understand why zombies would need to grab you, but they can latch onto from clear outside your melee range, and they do it so incredibly fast that you will always instantly lose health because of it.

Your weapons can also permabreak. You have a machete for example, but when it loses full durability you have 3 points to spend to repair it 3 times, but once you run out of repair points, that weapon is flat out useless. It makes it difficult early-mid game to find a weapon that reasonably does enough damage to last you a long time. Why farm for good weapons when they will break an hour or two later and you can't repair it anymore? Plus the weapon upgrade is perma as well, meaning if you get a mod and apply it, you can't remove it. So unless you save your best weapon for those 3 super upgrades, your going to be running with a high-tier weapon that only does a fraction of what it should.

Minding this though, there are some good points. Crane as the main character is the single best thing in this entire game. He is single handedly the most relatable character in all of gaming, not caring who he's talking to and even telling annoying people to f-off and shut up. It makes for a great character with and awesome personality, making the story worth playing and listening too.

Late-Game combat is rather fun. Swinging a Katana and chopping off 3 heads at once is super fun, and eventually you get enough money and ammo where you can freely use guns (even when virals keep coming) in most situations. Overall the more powerful you get, the game goes from frustrating to actually playable.

Overall, its a 3-4/10 experience for me. I got half way through the story before I was so frustrated with this game that I flat out just grinded the rest of the story and DLC (which has disappointing endings by the way) and immediately uninstalled.
Publicada el 22 de septiembre de 2020.
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