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Recent reviews by Goji9715

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1 person found this review helpful
1,148.3 hrs on record (643.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
VRChat was the one game that helped me get back into drawing. It helped me open up about myself. I met so many wonderful people here...

And the devs hate that. The devs hate people having those experienced. Especially, they hate when people who are deaf or hard of hearing experience this, for they decided to remove the access to mods with the virus Easy Anti-Cheat. I've uninstalled. You should as well, and cancel your VRC+ (another crappy thing the devs did, putting QoL features behind a paywall) while you are at it.

Play ChilloutVR instead. Let that community grow.

Edit: As of writing, they have announced a lot of features that were removed due to them cutting away mods. They haven't fully said anything for those of the deaf/hard of hearing, which is still disheartening. I'll be leaving this review as a 'not recommended' still, but there is progress in the somewhat right direction. EAC is still pretty terrible though.
Posted July 27, 2022. Last edited July 28, 2022.
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