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Recent reviews by Paraiyan

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8 people found this review helpful
18.3 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
I know I don't have a lot of hours in the game, but that's because I played the first Dragon Ball Xenoverse. They take and reuse the vast majority of assets from the first game including pq's and of course existing character models and their respective movesets. If you've never played the first one, this is a great game to pick up. If you have, then a lot of Xenoverse 2 will just feel like your replaying xenoverse 1.
Posted May 19, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
675.9 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
The game is pretty good so far, just go into it of course. Please don't buy this game if you don't have a decently powerful rig. All the people running it on inferior tech are giving it negative reviews completely misrepresenting the actual quality of the game. It is freeform game, so if you find yourself bored easily without a direct objective, it may not be for you. After I put in a significant amount of time I'll come back and give a more comprehensive analysis, Im just trying to counteract the immense amount of people hating on it because their comp can't handle it.
Posted August 12, 2016.
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