now well why would I do that
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
103 Hours played
Best 20 Bucks I ever spent on a game. Gameplay wise there is a lot that stands out on its own to seperate itself from being a "pokemon-like" especially the idea of instead of having a Rock Paper Scissors type chart for more or less damage, it uses the idea of chemical reactions for buffs and debuffs. A couple moves are a little unbalanced such as Hot Potato being very easy to quickly take out bosses in a short amount of turns.
The music tracks range from relaxing to action packed. Definitely did not expect such a banger OST. The world is packed with a nice amount of things to find and do and makes good use of its space. The puzzles aren't super complex, but I think that works in its favor. having customizable AI difficulty and level scaling respectively is also a great addition. writing is mostly character based, it does it well enough for me to have my personal favorites. OH and the party member's having the levels and the actual monsters using a 1-5 ranking system for progression is super innovative I think, makes grinding super simple and easy without breaking progression or feeling undeserved.