
100SOULS の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 34.7 時間 (レビュー時に31.5時間)
State of decay 2 is the open world zombie survival game that everyone has wanted, from building your own community, to gathering resources to survive this game is a load of fun, if left 4 dead and the walking dead had a baby, it would be state of decay, i'm very happy that XBOX shares this title with PC players (and other Microsoft games too) because otherwise i wouldn't have given this game a chance otherwise because XBOX is the lower tier of gaming platforms in my opinion i would never buy one. but for the most part this is a very solid port for the most part, besides a few glitches here and there, some wonky physics and dropped Frame Rates time to time this is a solid bang for your buck purchase! AT 30$, this can't be beat!
投稿日 2022年12月12日.
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