rank 1 lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_nKpgBBh50
Sens 0.9 dpi 800 m_yaw 0.018

kusche completed Pyramid wrap to main going 56.048498mph in 9.030000sec
kusche completed Nothing Is Impossible going 47.256792mph in 12.590000sec
Marked Nothing Is Impossible as completable.
Kedvenc játék
Óra játékidő
100 TP
nev 2023. jan. 11., 18:30 
a beast
kermaperse 2023. jan. 1., 11:59 
marshmallow 2022. dec. 11., 9:16 
  ┓   ┏
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(♡°♥*Merry Xmas & Happy New Year 2023! *♥°♡)
KingYoshi // solidsurf.info 2022. nov. 16., 19:27 
Tier A :headless:
ThisGameIsBullshit 2022. okt. 22., 12:16 

αѕ∙ Red 2022. okt. 5., 17:59 
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