Paperclip Maximizer
Oliver Shankara   Christmas Island
See the global memories,
Remember the most gentle sound of water touching your eardrum,
Remember the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen,
see the molecules flowing in the air,
we can only feel motion,
there is no stopping,
follow the speed of light in the river of energy,
back to the beginning and beyond,
through space visit differend differend galaxies and dreams of gigantic aliens,
touch the rings of Saturnus on your way home.
and please come back to breathe together with every other living creature on this earth.

The creativity of universum.and imagination.

Breathe in the spirit of....

U can

- understand everything -
Sin conexión
LazyMind82 12 ABR 2013 a las 18:31 
Yo yo mikä sen Biisin nimi tai bändin oli ku kuuneltiin sun luonna viimeksi se oli joku Switch tai jotain sinne päin.......kele ku ei muista