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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 744.5 hrs on record (718.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 5, 2016 @ 1:44pm
Updated: Jun 5, 2016 @ 1:58pm

I really wanted to like Primal Carnage: Extinction.

This game is broken and buggy as heck. None of the classes are fun to play, humans just get mowed over by dinosaurs especially since the human to dino ratio in an average server is 2:3. The guns are inaccurate, also hitboxes are completely broken so most bullets are not registering when they should be. Mind you it has been like this since the game came out. The raptor pounce has also been broken since release, and the devs keep claiming that they are constantly working on these issues. They need to stop making promises they can't keep.

90% of the servers are set to free roam. They are populated by either people idling to get drops or children who like to roleplay their fantasies of being a demon tyrannosaurus or the raptor squad from JW. The devs accomodate these people, mostly because they are milked like cows buying poorly made skins from the marketplace. I myself have left this game running for hours and hours and have managed to make some steam bucks by selling the cosmetics.

This game clearly has no idea which direction it is going in, and the developers are obviously incompetent. I am only scratching the surface of all the issues in this game, but I am not going to waste any more energy on it and uninstall. I closely followed Lukewarm media's original Primal Carnage since early alpha, and it meant a lot to me. This game is one of the biggest disappointments of my life.
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[H.E.] GrandEmperorVandheer Oct 23, 2022 @ 2:25pm 
This is 100% True. At least I can see some decent people are starting to waking up with this horrific reality.
Biothermia Jul 23, 2021 @ 4:30pm 
I know this review is outdated and I shouldn't be here and the balancing still isn't done too well but I still wanna say, the game isn't buggy, nor is the human to dino ratio absurd, not anymore. Guns have always been accurate and now it just seems like the dinos are weak compared to humans. Almost nothing is free roam and hitboxes are well made. Anything about gun accuracy and hitboxes can now just be boiled down to you having a potato computer and McDonald's parking lot WiFi and I don't think this review should keep anyone away from purchasing the game, just take into consideration the game isn't too relaxed, but neither is any game involving a TDM mode now is it? :dilo:
Chillisaurus Jun 18, 2016 @ 1:09pm 
fuck yeah I've left the game running for hours, normally while I sleep or out. No joke I have 95 bucks on steam JUST from selling PC:E items, this is literally all the game is good for.

Misleading? m8 do you even own the game? it's a broken pile of garbage.
Chillisaurus Jun 18, 2016 @ 9:15am 
"I myself have left this game running for hours and hours and have managed to make some steam bucks by selling the cosmetics."

Read the whole review before saying something stupid.

Also considering my playtime, you can trust I've played the game enough to know what I'm talking about. I've given it a lot (too many) chances and benefit of doubt.