Paul   United States
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Having played 50 hours so far, I can say that I have genuinely enjoyed the experience and I'm definitely going to keep playing more. A lot of the critique that I've seen of the game has to do with a lackluster story, bland locations, it being grindy and some annoying gameplay elements. While I'd somewhat agree with those, they haven't really bothered me much because -and let's be real here- you aren't playing it because it's a revolutionary, groundbreaking addition to the looter-shooter genre; you play this game so you can chuck people around as the Hulk, fly around and unibeam plebs as Iron Man, or sock Hitler robots in the jaw as Cap. And I can say that it does all of those things incredibly well! The campaign is interesting but pretty predictable, I'd compare it to SWBF2's campaign except better and a Marvel story instead of a Star Wars story (from a theme/tone perspective). The gameplay is solid and each of the attacks and special moves look really awesome! Of course there are things that can be improved, but this is a live service game and things will change; they already have since launch. I mean they have released and will continue to release new heroes, campaign chapters, villains to fight and maps.

I got this on sale for $30 and I don't regret it. I don't like the idea of spending $60 on any game, so me saying not to buy at full price doesn't really mean too much. I actually got this game because I saw a ~negative critique video and liked the gameplay that I saw, so be aware that opinions will definitely vary dramatically based on who you ask. Think of this review as the audience score on Rotten Tomatoes; I'm not trying to be an objective critic, I'm just a guy who genuinely enjoyed the game for what it is.
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