
Fluffernutter の最近のレビュー

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13 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
2 人がこのレビューが面白いと投票しました
記録時間: 64.9 時間
I cannot in good conscious recommend the game while my fellow divers are unable to play and will happily swap to a positive review upon the game being re-enabled in all the previous countries it was available in on release.
My heart goes out the devs that clearly put their heart and soul into the game and the my fellow divers who were blocked from playing due to Sony's actions.

We all dive or none of us dive.
投稿日 5月16日.
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3 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 326.4 時間 (レビュー時に205.5時間)
While Darktide still has its issues such as aspects of its rewarding and crafting system, the smaller updates over the past year and huge skill tree update have entirely breathed life into the game making it a worthy and extremely fun addition to the pve hoard shooter genre. Gunplay, melee, and movement are all just as fun as they've always been too. I can finally very much recommend Darktide at its current state.
投稿日 2023年10月9日.
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 303.5 時間 (レビュー時に78.6時間)
Not bothering to have accessibility features and then banning mods that fix this issue while also making a vr game's framerate drop is not the move.
投稿日 2022年7月27日.
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記録時間: 4.3 時間 (レビュー時に0.4時間)
I've always loved choose your own adventure stories and this is honestly one of the better ones out there. Giving you a vast variety of choices, allowing you to conquer with your robot army (which admittedly i don’t have the heart to do so) or create a family of them the vast variety of choices and actually feeling a difference with the different paths you take makes every choice seem like it matters. My one complaint is the lack of save points or even checkpoints, meaning if you misclicked on an option you either must live with it or restart from the beginning of the story. While still a solid price at 5 dollars if you do wish to buy it at full price I suggest buying the mobile version, though if you catch it on sale I definitely would recommend it on pc.
投稿日 2016年12月24日.
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