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Tabula May 18 @ 8:00pm 
Paladin homotank 圣骑士同性恋坦克 smear holiness on the floor 将圣洁涂抹在地板上attract thugs and other men 吸引暴徒和其他男人 only one button press 只需按一个按钮 more time for achieve self pleasure 更多的时间来实现自我愉悦
Tabula May 18 @ 6:56pm 
Summer is an undeniably horny season and, in these months of newly vaccinated debauchery after a year and a half of isolation, compliments are fittingly depraved. Thanks to a series of copypastas circulating on TikTok, Twitter, and Tumblr, this summer's motto is "breedable." There is no hidden meaning in this phrasing. This isn't youthful slang that older generations will have to Google to understand, though the word's explicit nature may incite another round of fear-mongering articles failing to decode what teens are texting each other. When people refer to themselves or others as breedable, they literally mean so hot; they'd like to procreate.
Avery May 13 @ 7:27pm 
Eevee May 13 @ 4:53pm 
+rep, your profile looks awesome! looking forward to our friendship lol
Tabula May 13 @ 4:25pm 
+rep, your profile looks awesome! looking forward to our friendship lol
Tabula Apr 16 @ 10:40pm 
My employee refuses to commit another crime against humanity for the 34 time with me [need advice]

I tried to take her with me to the Well last night thinking she will get back to her senses, but she yelled saying that she is horrified.

She even said it was as bad as J Corp (and later clarified “it was slightly better than W Corp tho”)

I am heartbroken and lost. Help.

Edit: I disowned her.
Edit: my employee is missing for the past few days. Please help.
Edit: The Head is at my door, i think im getting arrested.
Edit: do you guys know a weak corp I can wage war on ? I need help