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Recent reviews by SaltyEON

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1 person found this review helpful
99.0 hrs on record (98.9 hrs at review time)
is nice
Posted November 22, 2023.
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2.7 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
haha weed
Posted January 5, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
143.0 hrs on record (46.1 hrs at review time)
I don't see why this game has such a bad reputation.

To be honest, I didn't really follow the hype train, so I don't know what the devs promised. However, to be angry at a game because it was released in a buggy state is wrong, in my opinion. A lot of the best RPGs of all time were/still are buggy messes. Fallout New Vegas, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, literally any Bethesda title. All of them were released in a sorry state, yet all of them are beloved cult classics.

I think with time people will come to appreciate this game for what it is, a great RPG with a bad launch. The story is good, the combat is good, the atmosphere is great. It's legitimately very funny and very touching at certain points, and it provides a better satire of today's society than even the GTA franchise does.

Great game.

Posted August 29, 2022.
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60 people found this review helpful
1,899.8 hrs on record (1,761.9 hrs at review time)
I've been playing this game on and off for almost a decade now. It's honestly been my comfort game, whenever I wanted to play something and didn't know what, wanted to just have a good time and turn off my brain for a while, TF2 was always there, from my early teens through my early adulthood.

Throughout the years I've been in multiple community servers, even being an admin in a few of them. Places online where you could just make new friends and have a laugh, vent, joke around. Slowly but surely, the small servers died out as more and more people quit the game.

It seems that nowadays only network servers are active, the ones that like showing you advertisements with each death, broadcasting their point-system in chat every few seconds, limiting the number of a certain class each team can have and so on. Not particularly a fan of them, myself.

I've always felt Team Fortress' lowest point was the Meat your Match update, or whatever stupid pun they used for the name. I was then disappointed that the Heavy still hasn't received the promised update, despite me voting for a rework years ago. That was until the still ongoing bot crisis. It has made the servers hosted by the developers themselves literally unplayable.

A game only being sustained by its community isn't unusual, but the fact that the developers are still making money from it and releasing shameless cosmetic updates is unbelievable. It really is an insult for people like me, who have invested a great deal of time, money and feelings into the characters and mechanics of this game.

I will be considering selling whatever small collection of items I've acquired and uninstalling this game from my computer for the first time since I installed back in 2012, which ironically will make Valve even more money if I decide to do it through the Community Market. Until they decide to fix the game that thousands of people still love and find comfort in, Valve deserves no respect from us.
Posted April 25, 2022.
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1,123.7 hrs on record (178.6 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Great game. Perfect balance of tactical shooter and more casual modern military games.
Posted November 15, 2016.
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0.9 hrs on record
Funny and cheap game, good way to kill time because of online content and infinite mode. Gets boring after a while, but still worth its money.
Posted September 26, 2013.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries