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Recent reviews by Radiowaves7

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1.3 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Oh... Oh... I think I need... Nevermind...

A great game to play. The jump scares are good and there is a nice upgrade system. However the controls feel a little clunky, and seems that the game was designed to be used with a control. In my opinion, it would be a better game if it was first person but that's just me. I don't like the fact it's third person because I can see around corners and see any enemies that might be waiting to jump me.

Audio is great and using 5.1 surround sound gives it a little more of a 'dynamic' feel. The music matches the atmosphere the game is trying to create but cues such as battle tracks or loud metal banging sounds can give away where the bad guys are and when they're going to appear.

I recommend people to get this, especially if it's on sale. Don't we love Steam Sales.

I would score this game 8 / 10 because although gameplay is fun and the needed suspense is there, the third person and audio cues ruin some of the scarier moments.
Posted December 1, 2013. Last edited December 21, 2013.
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238.9 hrs on record (105.3 hrs at review time)
One of the most enjoyable RPGs I have played. Good gameplay, made great with the amazing amount of mods avaliable fo it. I always seem to find myself putting 2 or 3 hours into it everytime I play, I never fails to disappoint with awesome cinematic kills! The story is good but not great Bethesda should have thought it through a bit more as some quests can sometimes bug, these can be fixed with mods which can also add some new excitment if you ever get bored, which should not happen. Great game would recommend to anyone, why have you not got this already?
Posted November 27, 2013.
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