So I work in an old building that was built in the 1950s. A quirk of the building is that the doors all open outward into the hallway. This results in a few people every week getting smacked by a door flying open as they are walking down the hall.

Well, today I was walking down the hallway when the door next to me flew open extremely fast and hard and I, instinctively Dead Hard IRL. I was ashamed I think it even looked like the Dead Hard animation. The worst part is that it worked and I avoided getting hit.

So, as a killer main. I apologize for all of the times I’ve complained about Dead Hard being a crutch perk because sometimes it can save you from a broken nose
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Quite literally the worst shooter of a generation
#JR May 12 @ 2:09pm 
+rep best surv
L May 12 @ 10:39am 
+rep keep using dead hard in work no one likes a broken nose <3
Kathryn Pattison May 7 @ 4:40pm 
+rep Very fun trickster to verse <3
yummy ♡ May 6 @ 4:45pm 
+rep very good survivor :butterfly:
Infamous May 6 @ 3:58pm 
You should read it!
AVI TONET May 6 @ 3:56pm 
-rep no m'expliquis la teva vida a la teva bio que no l'importa a ningú :)