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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 191.3 hrs on record (88.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Aug 14, 2017 @ 9:28am
Updated: Aug 21, 2017 @ 2:38am

Early Access Review
Loved this game to death, and I won't be purchasing another copy or recommending this game until I get unbanned.

Literally going against a few players that were apparently streamers (Stone valley or something stupid like that), a buddy of mine in my group told me. So I decided to attack them with a car while yelling "BEEP, BEEP MOTHER F-UCKERS!" Killing him and his buddy.

Ever since I have been banned for harassment, like wtf? So I spent 30 euros on a game and risk potential ban for a little horse play, its not Like I was constantly going at them or saying racial slurs etc. Really dumb!

Going to keep the review negative, but I got unbanned! :3 Could be because of my review, and it gaining tension, but still was unjustified and ignorant reason for banning me for a little horse play.

I didn' exploit anything, if honking the car horn and yelling "Beep Beep Mother ♥♥♥♥♥♥" to a streamer gets me banned, that's extremely dumb.

They should definitely start looking into a better system, instead of craddeling streamers balls.

Edit again: Apparently I was banned for stream snipping. I was in a game with a well known streamer "Rock or Stone valley" Something on those lines. It was a group game, and I was the only one alive, and my friends were dead, and by chance, 1 of my friends was watching the streamer and realized I was in their game as when I killed someone my name popped up in the recent kills.

So he told me, and me knowing well that I wasn't going to survive much longer with a shotgun and pistol with no health or armour, got into a vehicle and charged straight at them while having my mic turned on "Intentionally" while honking and yelling into the mic. " BEEP BEEP ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" I instantly killed both of them, they were behind a couple of bushes.

I got banned, reason was for harrasment and there was no timer indicating a suspension.
Tried contacing the developers, with no response to this day.

To clear things up for whom ever reads this review. I still strongly believe I did not deserve a ban, or any punishment really as it was mere horseplay, and just having fun.
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John27 Mar 23 @ 8:15am 
'attack them with a car while yelling "BEEP, BEEP MOTHER F-UCKERS!"'
This review is made before Cyberpunk 2077
WollieG Jan 8 @ 7:36am 
Really, is this the place for you to advertise you game, this is someone elses review. I do not think this is very nice.
Uomo_Felice Jan 8 @ 6:08am 
Hi, I am a lone indie developer from Kazakhstan, my first game, about Gaza called Battle for Desert City, is coming out on January 19, costs 10$.
I will be very pleased if you add to your Wishlist and purchase at release day, it will help me so much.
The game is made on Unreal Engine 5.3 What do you think?
Passage Oct 19, 2023 @ 6:28am 
I'm looking forward to the next Edit xD
heartsocket Jun 24, 2018 @ 3:11pm 
'attack them with a car while yelling "BEEP, BEEP MOTHER F-UCKERS!"'
t h i s i s h o w i w a n n a d i e
Marty Feb 18, 2018 @ 10:43am 
StoneMoutain64 has been abusing his titular streamer status by banning people who kill him.
SweetDarsh Jan 20, 2018 @ 6:26pm 
What is with this game
kyle Jan 11, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Fuck monkey, I'm sorry you had to go through all this bullshit. It's been hard on all of us seeing a game we so wanted to love crash and utterly fucking burn like this.
kyle Jan 11, 2018 @ 8:29am 
Absolutely lovely to see they are bringing 2 new crates, both you can earn with bp, and one requires a key to open. They also have higher chances of dropping, meaning that the chances of getting free crates is lower then getting a new paid crate.